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Code Geass: Dawn of a Dark World (Join and you might get a rep)


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I believed private military forces were uneaded...


Send 2 Knightmares in front as distractions...


Send 1 knightmare as scout find residual damage and plan an attack based on what is found...


Send 15 knightmares as "Fleet 1" from all around while the knights are distracted...


I myself will be in my knightmare to fight if I find nessecarry...


More knightmares will follow if fleet 1 fails...


Epic Quote be me "We will keep the middle country ALIVE!"


If all goes by plan and Fleet 1 succeeds, China will be the aggressors and send 17 Knightmares as "Fleet X" as a variable response...

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--Sure quote away.


Nunnally looks at the enemy, "Launch Kallen in the Guren MK 2 (Weaker Version then before)"


All units form a defensive line at mountain line 1


Ships move to altitude 500 feet to prevent fire on main ship.


Launch remaining units to the flank.


Guren brakes through Fleet 1 with 20 knightmare.


--Dark Prince for now until the real one comes.

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After I see 3 Kinghtmares of "Fleet 1" get destroyed I intevene and release my attack...


Kallen barely dodges and retreats knowing my knightmare's ability...


Another Epic Quote "We Will SUCCEED!"


We create a wall of tanks to keep the ships in check..


Every 2 tanks is guaded with a hidden knightmare


As I watch, my scout returns reporting of the launches of knightmare in our flank...


I go on full energy with the rest of "Fleet One" and 2 members of "Fleet X"


We were on time...


We must wait to attack...


We will win...


How will we force them back?

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--You will not win, but something cool will happen.


"Kallen retreat to the second defense line. All units stay in defense positions, stay on your gaurd." Nunally just watches I must end this soon. "All Ships fire bombs on the enemy."


Destroying many enemy knightmares, leaving only a few left in the fleet 1.

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I sat back in my seat, looking at my few remaining men...


Will I use the military...


Is it too late?


All but of the handful of my men were alive and all my tanks have fallen...


I'm in check...


Is I looked at my radar... they were moving...


Frantically I knew what I had to do...


I made my remaing men protect the base...


Quote "I will end this!"


This was gonna end the first battle of the new generation, but not the war..

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As I finished the rest off, I thought I made the right call...


But as I looked, another Knightmare, it was Nunnally!


Should would never go in battle unless she had something set up...


They're still bombarding us!


I had a choice...


Save my comrades by warning them of Nunnally, or stop the bombs for my country...


It was clear...


I was at 75% and I knew if I rushed to the ships and back for my comrades...i would be at highest 20%..


Can I beat Nunnally with that little energy?


Another risk...


"I won't let us lose!"


I said as I pushed full power...


" Nunnally, Nova, We will be victorious!"

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* After Nova's Attack


Rushing to the ships, I destroy them with ease..


62% Left...


Rushing back I hear the yells of my comrades...


Horror struck...


Nunnally wasnt alone...


Those were some of my best men...


"Kallen! How could I forget..."


My troop may have fallen, but China will live... I thought, but will I?


Approaching right out of their radar range, I launch my attack, destroying 10 of their troops...


None Nunnally or Kallin...




Approaching them, Nunnally and her troops retreated, lerking somewhere...


Kallin looking at me, I could read her mind, because I was thinking the same thing...


"This is the END!"

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