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My big thread of Render Reqs. Granting any Req in this Thread = 25 points. =D

~ P O L A R I S ~

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I need good renders. >.> Not owning PhotoShop, I can't render worth crawp.


Text on Graphics: None at all please. I just need renders.

Sub-Text on Graphics: None please. ^_^

Images for Graphic: I need renders of Dark Armed Dragon, Judgment Dragon, Red-Eyes Darkness Metal Dragon, Darklord Zerato, Dark Nephthys, Dark Horus, Plaguespreader Zombie, any Lightsworn monster, any Cyber Dragon monster, any Cyberdark monster, either Chimeratech monster, and Fiendish Engine Ω.

Type of Graphic: Renders. xD

Requested Artist: Anyone who can make a nice render without pixels around the edges and has done this sort of thing before.

Other Comments: Thanks in advance. =D

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Polaris give me a day or so and I'll fast track any of the renders you want that still haven't been done from the HQ images. And chase up Cyber Barrier Dragon, probably the only Cyber I think I'm missin the card image for some how. I'm debating adding the Manga only Cyber Larva.


I'll PM you the zip.

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