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Here's the easiest way to fix the meta.

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Keep the current list' date=' but ban everything released during and since PTDN.


Is this a terrible idea? Yes.[/b] Would it create a much better format than the current one without requiring any actual thought? Yes.







Is it a terrible idea? Yes. Would it be a vast improvement both over the current list and over whatever the March 2009 list gives us? Yes.

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seems liek a good idea!


although limit malicious' date=' and the real problem goes away



Is malicious the real problem, or is the (too) powerful synchro monsters with no restrictions on synchro materials the problem?


Sure, Goyo and Stardust is definitely not banworthy, but these made synchros with restrictions almost not seeing competitive play. Esspecially since the ones with restrictions have much worse effect than the general ones (with very few exceptions like Natural Beast). :/

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Guest PikaPerson01

What about Raging Battle and onwards? Are those cards banned too?


I agree with banning from Phantom Darkness' date=' but also only add Light of Destruction of The Duelist Genesis to the banlist.



but ban everything released during and since PTDN.


Do you not the what the word "since" means? <_<

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seems liek a good idea!


although limit malicious' date=' and the real problem goes away



Is malicious the real problem, or is the (too) powerful synchro monsters with no restrictions on synchro materials the problem?


Sure, Goyo and Stardust is definitely not banworthy, but these made synchros with restrictions almost not seeing competitive play. Esspecially since the ones with restrictions have much worse effect than the general ones (with very few exceptions like Natural Beast). :/


I think Goyo is pushing it on the banable level, but the real problem is the fact that a lot of speed increasing spells came out, like allure of darkness and emergency teleport, and we unlimited them/ never limited them in the first place.


I bet that if e tele, d-draw, allure, and mali (cards I see ALL run in 3's) were just limited, the deck would even be half as good as it is right now.


but then lightsworn become a problem. I personally feel that lightsworn's support magic is way overpowered. limit charge of the light brigade and solar recharge, and it becomes a bit more manageable. the discard effect becomes mostly at the end of the turn again, allowing me a chance to counter. you can say other cards to combat this point, but if you look at the cards, you will find most of them need prep.


although some ruilings also get in the way as well. like the one on zombie master and it's copy cats, where you discard because you have a legal target, and then target the cost to summon it. that's just bull personally.

but it does have a reasonable cost where you are now over extended and I could T.T. or mirror force your swarm, so it becomes a matter of good planing. hell, I have had Burden of the mighty stop it when I combo-ed "a hero emerges" and got out skilled DM.

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[sarcasm]Yeah' date=' that's a great idea. It was great having Perfect Circle Monarchs rule the Meta.[/sarcasm']


First of all, PCM never even scratched the domination that Tele-DAD has and DAD-Return had. PCM was lucky if it and Twilight Circle combined could claim eight slots of the Top 16 of an SJC. For modern top-tier decks to only claim eight slots would be a major upset.


Second of all, Disk is at 0.

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LS, TELEDAD, Synchros(Maybe) should all be eradicated if you want to get us out of the shitpile called the meta. I want to see new, exiting decks. There are plenty of decks to be made that could pwn teleDAD and LS just waiting to be made. Play decks that screw the meta. And make ur own pwnage deck. There can be decks better than the crap we have nao.

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I like metamorphosis, not because of the effect, but because the picture looks pretty


ON-TOPIC: Well Poly did suck, but look at the current way of mashing monsters together to form another monster thats white. Special summoning is much easier, so if Poly were to be required, at least its not as easy to get, unless you use king of the swamp, ETC ETC.

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I like metamorphosis' date=' not because of the effect, but because the picture looks pretty


ON-TOPIC: Well Poly did suck, but look at the current way of mashing monsters together to form another monster thats white. Special summoning is much easier, so if Poly were to be required, at least its not as easy to get, unless you use king of the swamp, ETC ETC.



it was more so the fact that you needed certain specific cards to do anything with fusions from the hand. that made them suck.


grave is a bit easier.

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