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What is the best Pokemon Team? (OU only)


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I have teams, but I just copied my list from another post, so it's not exactly like the form. Also, my DS is currently broken, so I don't know the item or stats, because I haven't checked recently. I hope that's okay.


[spoiler=Team #1]Torterra

Level: 55

Moves: Leaf Storm, Wood Hammer, Earthquake, Cut

Ability: Overgrow

Nature: Quirky



Level: 55

Moves: Flame Wheel, Flare Blitz, Mach Punch, Close Combat

Ability: Blaze

Nature: Mild



Level: 57

Moves: Steel Wing, Hydro Pump, Waterfall, Surf

Ability: Torrent

Nature: Bold



Level: 55

Moves: Roost, Brave Bird, Fly, Aerial Ace

Ability: Intimidate

Nature: Gentle



Level: 50

Moves: Hypnosis, Dream Eater, Ominous Wind, Dark Pulse

Ability: Pressure

Nature: Mild


Deoxys (Attack Forme)

Level: 56

Moves: Psycho Boost, Zap Cannon, ExtremeSpeed, Superpower

Ability: Pressure

Nature: Brave



[spoiler=Team #2]Squirtle

Level: 20

Moves: Bite, Water Gun, Surf, Waterfall

Ability: Torrent

Nature: Calm



Level: 20

Moves: Scratch, Dragon Rage, Ember, Metal Claw

Ability: Blaze

Nature: Modest



Level: 20

Moves: Cut, Razor Leaf, Sleep Powder, Vine Whip

Ability: Overgrow

Nature: Modest



Level: 14

Moves: Thunder Wave, Double Team, Thunderbolt, Volt Tackle

Ability: Static

Nature: Lonely



Level: 20

Moves: Quick Attack, Whirlwind, Fly, Gust

Ability: Keen Eye

Nature: Sassy



Level: 20

Moves: Recovor, Psybeam, Conversion, Conversion 2

Ability: Trace

Nature: Naughty


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Name: Wonderguard Spiritomb

Nature: Naughty

Level: 100

Stats: Generic

Moveset: Explosion, Frenzy Plant, Thunderbolt, HornDrill

Item: Iapapa Berry


Name: Wonderguard Spiritomb

Nature: Naughty

Level: 100

Stats: Generic

Moveset: Explosion, Frenzy Plant, Thunderbolt, HornDrill

Item: Iapapa Berry


Name: Wonderguard Spiritomb

Nature: Naughty

Level: 100

Stats: Generic

Moveset: Explosion, Frenzy Plant, Thunderbolt, HornDrill

Item: Iapapa Berry


Name: Wonderguard Spiritomb

Nature: Naughty

Level: 100

Stats: Generic

Moveset: Explosion, Frenzy Plant, Thunderbolt, HornDrill

Item: Iapapa Berry


Name: Wonderguard Spiritomb

Nature: Naughty

Level: 100

Stats: Generic

Moveset: Explosion, Frenzy Plant, Thunderbolt, HornDrill

Item: Iapapa Berry


Name: Wonderguard Spiritomb

Nature: Naughty

Level: 100

Stats: Generic

Moveset: Explosion, Frenzy Plant, Thunderbolt, HornDrill

Item: Iapapa Berry

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  • 2 weeks later...

Sorry about posting on an old topic but I found it and thought I'd have my input. There's no such thing as the best team, if there were such a team then everybody would have the same one. There's very powerfull and usable Pokes but it depends on how you use them and at what time and how good you are at prediction.

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Sorry but I'm afraid I can not divuldge that information. A team should, in current Meta, contain at least two sweepers, a Special/Physical Wall and checks for the most common threats in Meta. Other things like support Pokemon, Spinners, Phazers and Revenge Killers are optional and generally are used when a team has a weakness to what they counter.

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