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Super Holo Tut

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[align=center]First off, I don't care if your don't credit me. There just holos you can make yourself.


Now, I will also show you how to be creative with different holo sheets.


First, we will get our basic, common holo sheet:


^Save That^


Now, this only works for GIMP users. First, open GIMP. Click FILE>>OPEN and open the holo sheet you saved. Now things can get fun. Go to COLORS>>INVERT and you can invert your holo sheet. Here is the result of an inverted basic holo sheet:


^This is a very cool holo effect.^

Now, since the background is white, the opacity must be at about 20 when used on a pic, not 40 or above. Oh yeah, to get a holo sheet on a pic, open the pic with GIMP then click FILER>>OPEN AS LAYERS and select your holo sheet. To change the opacity, go to WINDOWS>>DOCKABLE DIALOGS>>LAYERS and a window will open. There will be a bar labeled "Opacity". Set it to about 20. The result:



Another version of the inverted holo:


Open your regular holo sheet and go to COLORS>>VALUE INVERT and the holo sheet will look like this:


^Cool, huh?^


The value inverted holo sheet looks like this on a pic:




^Weird, huh?^


Now, for just quick service, save these holo sheets:


Regular Holo Sheet:



Inverted Holo Sheet:



Value Inverted Holo Sheet:



Rainbow Holo Sheet by Red Alloy (NOTE: If you use this holo, you must state the holo sheet is by Red Alloy):



Special Wave Holo Sheet by Red Alloy (NOTE: If you use this holo, you must state the holo sheet is by Red Alloy):




Always save holo sheets as .png.[/align]

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