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Final Fantasy Tactics

Saturn of Elemia

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Tied with Disgaea: Hour of Darkness as one of the best Strategy RPGs of all-time. With create-a-character, multiple classes, and epic storyline, this is truly a masterpiece of a game. The PSP version expands on the original with more classes, extra characters, and a multiplayer mode.


Discuss this great game in all its glory! =D

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Any version you care to discuss is fine. But personally, the War of the Lions was my favorite.


My favorite thing to do for class was give a Knight or Monk the Dual Wield ability of the Ninja and just pwn everything I came across.


On the PSP version, I managed to get 5 people up to Lv.99 before the end of the first chapter - with 5 classes mastered EACH!!! =O

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I liked how in the PSP version, you could get Luso as an extra character - as well as Balthier. They were pretty good characters. Once I got Luso, the game got boring. He's basically the same as Ramza, only with a built-in Capture ability. =/


(Then again, I was Lv.99 by the end of the first chapter with 5 people XD)

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