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Naruto RP {Over}


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OOC:fit8 you can't regenerate just let your self be injured so I can actually fight you on an even level


And crystal Skull what is that Reaper made of?


Renji*No This is my power.

Renji Does a back flip dodging the reapers slash


Renji does some hand signs

Renji*Fire Style Grand Fire Ball Justu* Renji burnt the Reaper to a crisp

Renji*good bye.

Renji*Earth Release: Bedrock Coffin* Renji trapped the reaper in a coffin of Rock that cannot be opened.

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ooc: lol ebay. ok i'm hurt

dkary "un so thats how you wanna play huh" *does some hand signs and his hands get real dark* "Earth Shadow Jutsu: Dkary Style" *suddenly the entire earth gets covered in a pictch black shadow* "you play in my deminsion...the SHADOW DEMINSION!!!!"

ooc: its a shadow jutsu that i do have and LT knows cause i gave him a list

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OOC: here's about where i get realy gorey and sadistic! here, listen to this when i fight for now, it's short so you may have to replay it if you can't read it in time.

thanatos:*looks at Sikura* you think that you're to make the world suffer... sikura you silly, silly girl. *walks up to sikura* you know nothing of suffering. why are you even here? because you thought it would be a fun way to die? just wait, you'll suffer the most out of everyone. *grabs throat and makes hand signs witht he other hand* Ink death justsu! *ink starts to cover Sikura's face and neck* and just to make sure, *makes other hand signs* Nova star jutsu! *a blue and black fireball appears is Thanatos' hand and shoots out right at SIkura's face, sending here careening to wards the pillars*

*looks at Dkary* no, we play in my deminsion. for nothing is out of my reach! you think this is yours? HA! it's nothing but the energy that you waste! *makes hand signs* Ink rain justsu! *ink of all different colors starts to fall out of nowhere* *makes more hand signs* Ink heart jutsu! *points at Renji* kill the Shade!!! *makes several hand signs* summon Anima, Sin, Scarecrow, and Behemoth! kill them all! the Shade, the Girl, and Renji!

*Beelzebub, Lucifer, and ERebus just stand and watch the spectical*
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OOC: i don't think so, you can do what ever, you just attack dkary... be sides, it's only temporary and i've used it before... on renji and it only lasts for like 3 posts. oh!!! by the way, i forgot to put on here early er, but the jutsu wore off on you Fit8... so do what the hell you want.

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Thanatos: indeed... now, anima, scarecrow, Sin, behemoth, kill them all!


*behemoth and the other summons all attack. Behemoth charges at Dkary, Anima rises up and spouts a poisonous gas at dkary, Sin sends tedrals of gold straight for his face and Scarecrow rushes him with his sythe raised*

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Thanatos: you have no choice. now, destroy the shade!


Beelzebub: indeed, we may very well have choosen the right person for the job in being our apriser.


Lucifer: it's not over yet, wait, we will see if he is indeed the true apriser or not.

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