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Naruto RP {Over}


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Beelzebub: ssssssee what they are doing to our preciousssss hall? desssssstroy them, apriser!

Thanatos: yes, beelzebub. it shall be done. *walks over to where to battle is happening*

Thanatos: Make your move... make your stand... brace the wind... like you can... *raises hands and makes hand signs* Nova Flare justu! *a freaking HUGE collum of flame erupts from his outstretched hands towards the fighting*

Thanatos: nothing get's out alive... nothing can. *runs past collum, swords out, and makes another Nova FLare to the left, then another to the right, then jumps in the air*


Thanatos: we can push out... sell out... DIE out! *makes hand signs* BOOM!!! *raises hands and a ball of red and black light forms in his hands, growing bigger and bigger*

Thanatos: Dodge the world if you can! *the ball has grown to 500 times Thanatos' size, so about a truck to a lie*

Thanatos: now DIE!!! *throws the ball down... it touches the ground and the force of 1000 spirit bombs explodes*

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OOC: ima take a guess that you pretty well can't be touched, Fit8, so just wait, i'll explain why i can touch you in a fdew posts.


Thanatos: *behind true dkary* Death is not eternal. it's more like a long sleep, pure and dark and cold. but for you, oh no, you won't have a death. i'll make it so you live forever, suffering. and guess what? *grabbs dkary's shoulder as though it where solid* even i can do, *picks up dkary and slams him into the ground oposite of me* this to you! *grabs Dkary's foot and slams him on the oposite side of me, then picks him up and spins him around, throwing him into the nearest collum*


thanatos:*walks over to Renji* you want to know why i killed your parents? well, teh short version is that i wanted to know about my parents, but the longer version is this. they were my parents friends. they had heard that they died, and just assumed i died along with them when i showed up, they imeadiately guess right that i was a demon, but was that my fault? no. they shunned me and kicked me out of thier home, but no door is locked from me... so i killed them, leaving you, to show that i have more mercy than my parents did. now get up, and try to kill me. and you *points a finger at skiura* you were never supposed to be here. *goes over and picks her* be gone. *thorws her out of the doors, which close behind her*

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ooc: well i cant get golnax cause of his jutsu

dkary *stands up* "mmmmmmmmmmm" *walks towards renji* "you want my best shot, you'll get my best shot" *claps twice and makes 2 hand signs* "DEATH Of The Sacred Pheonix Of Oblivion" *a giant red glowing pheonix appears in front of renji*

ooc: i hope this is ok

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ooc: well i cant get golnax cause of his jutsu

dkary *stands up* "mmmmmmmmmmm" *walks towards renji* "you want my best shot' date=' you'll get my best shot" *claps twice and makes 2 hand signs* "DEATH Of The Sacred Pheonix Of Oblivion" *a giant red glowing pheonix appears in front of renji*

ooc: i hope this is ok



OOC: No it's not OK use what justu you have


Renji Jumped into the air and slammed down on the reaper destroying him.

Renji*Is that all you got?

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