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Naruto RP {Over}


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Thanatos: *watching with no emotion as his new... friends... bout it out.


Thanatos:.... Locked in clutch.... *is remebering a faint memory* .... pushed in place... hold your breath... and listen... *looks at the hall*There, it must be there... but what waits inside... they're abviously not a help to me any more, is this my... destiny? no, demons have no destiny, only sorrow... *walks off towards the halls doors*

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"shadow peircing strike" *flies into renji and cuts up his organs and comes out in 7 seconds* "you dont know how fun it is to go inside people" *flies straight up* "shadow peirce" *flies into renji and stays*

ooc: see it says im inside renji's body.



dkary *flies out of renji* "oh' date=' were going in now" *follows Thanatos* "cmon renji we can finish this later"


ooc: and now im inside of no one at this moment.

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Thanatos:*not answering, hears voices that no one else can hear*

????: we have been waiting for you...

????: You are the one to bring about the end of time..

????/????: and space....

Thanatos: you know nothing of me...

Voice: Youre evil! nothing but evil and demons!

Childs voice: no, no no i'm not!

Voice: yes you are, and you will NEVER, EVER be my son.

Childs voice: no, NOOOOOO!!!!

Thanatos: i killed you long ago...

Voice: and so you sent me here, to the death of space. now bring about the death of time, like a new you would all along.

Thanatos: I'll never break!

????: you are broken

????:we have watched you for all time

????/????: now end our waiting!

Thanatos:*still hearing voices of his past* No, I will not be like HIM!

????:but you are him

????: Have you not noticed?

????/????: you have the smae eyes.

Thanatos: NOOOOOO!!!!!! Show your selfs, face me like a man!

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????: come to us

????: bringer of death

????/????: our choosen apriser

*thanatos takes a step closer to the door*

Thanatos: you have what i seek...

????: yessss, we do.

????: come to the light

????: feel our white darkness.

????/????/????:Lead the way to Armegeddon!

*thanatos walks up to the door and grabbs the handels*

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*thanatos opens the doors and an unholy black light shines out with all opf the brilliance of ten thousand suns in the dismal dark of the underworld*


*then it's gone*

????: you have opened the door to the end, now enter.

????: be our harbinger

????: complete ussss

????/????/???? Let us riegn supreme!!!

Thanatos:*walks inside the hall* I killed him long ago...


*The inside of the hall is made of shining onyx/black stone, diamonds, and blood rudies. Thirteen pillars rise grandly to the ceiling, covered in pictures of angels and demons flying with one another. the pillars have nothing but blood rubies on them. the walls seem to go on forever in every direction, and there is no floor. only a visible mist that gives way to nothing ness, but of course you can walk on it*

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OOC: you guys r both playing my rp, so i'm just letting you know in case you haven't figured it out, i use a select few character over and over again, three of which are here. you'll see.


*as soon as Renji and Rjoury enters, he is hit with a bolt of lightning from one of the sides of the infanate walls*

????: we can not alow you to enter just yet. *you guys can hear them now*

Thanatos: show your selves!

*???? appears from the shadows of the left hand side of the hall.*

????: my name, is Erebus, god a shadow and creator of darkness.


*erebus looks like this, http://forteuniverse.com/forte2000/erebus-willman-med.jpg*


ERebus: welcome, my apriser.

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OOC: sorry, this is erebus. shadow_fiend.jpg


????: isssssn't it obviousssss? ragnarok, the destruction of worldsssssssss.


*???? fell down from the ceiling, he looks like this Beelzebub.jpg


????: I am beelzebub, lord of the flysssss. i brin gto you, ruin with my companions.

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Lucifer: you were never meant to get this far...

Erebus: nor were you *points at Rjoury*

beelzebub: you will die here, the all of you, accept one.

beelzebub/erebus/lucifer: our one and only appriser! brin gour ragnarok and you will be rewarded with the one thing you've wanted more than anything deep in your soul, a family, a demonless, family.


Thanatos: *gasps and pupils constrict* a... family... my family....


Erebus: there will be nmo mroe pain for you.

Lucifer: we can make it all go away.

Beelzebub: jussssst bring usssss our ragnarok, our throne!

thanatos:.... *turns around and looks at renji and rjoury on the floor*

Thanatos: I... will... burn my... dread....

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