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Naruto RP {Over}


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toto: well, now we go to see the JAnitor of course, then we kill U-TIC, once and for all... hey, have you seen Renji? oh well, he'll catch up won't he... come on, lets go. Oh! and one more thing, *turns to the people in the area* if there is any one, anyone that is willing to listen, or join me for our cause, please speak now, i'll take whoever i can get. anyone?

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OOC: i don't want to say it again, so look on page 9 of this RP


*dosn't look up, but instead joins Zak on the ceiling insatantly*

I'm glad that you asked! here, i'll tell you. *leans over and whispers in Zak's ear waht U-TIC is all about*

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ooc: I'm only joining cause for some reason I'm in love with LT Havic's user name >.>


Name: Marcus Barnette (Called By Marcus only)

Gender: Male



Village: Ex. Grass ninja, but current Leaf "Helping hand"

Clan description: Marcus' clan was known for their advanced intelligence and their master over elemental blades of their own invention.

Bloodline trait: Reido

Main element: Marcus HIMSELF is that of earth and water, but his weapon is a different story.

other element's: won't reveal in app, but will be PM'ed if necessary.

Jutsu: I'll PM a list.

Unique Jutsu: Most of Marcus' blades techniques are secret only to his clan.

Weapon's: Shuriken and his Elemental Blade.

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toto: HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! you idiot! *pull sout kunai and slits his own throat, blood squirts for a couple of seconds but it heals in a second more* you can't kill me that easily! i can kill you! *Jumps in fron of Zak and stabs the Kunai in his throat* you've got a couple of minute to get to a hospital or heal your self, or you'll die... good bye. *walks oout the door calling for Renji and Rjoury*

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OOC OK The Gentleman your accepted you don't have to PM me a list of Justu you can just put like most water justu or whatever you accepted if you want to then I'll be waiting for your PM's


Renji*Wow that's cold Zak you just stabbed him wow

Renji falls off the ceiling and lands on the floor feet first

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WHAT!!! i bomb!!! OH I'M SO SCARED! *waits for the bomb to explode.... BOOOOM! bits of Toto go everywhere*


*toto's demons come out of him... they're so hideous i'm not even going to discribe them! (a sign of laziness, maybe, do i care? no)*


demon1: it is not his time... our host is not finished yet.

demon2: indeed... we shall heal him.

*a big green light surrounds all of toto's remains and he forms back together again*

toto: GOD! i love the rush of dieing! your turn! *is suddenly behind Sikura, sword at thier throat, and a quick jab to the left dose a lot of damage*

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