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Consoles u have?

Father Wolf

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Consoles and handhelds

Psp [no, sometimes.]

360 (elite, and yes..got it 2 days ago)

Dreamcast (no)

64 (no)

ps2 (not since i bought the psp)

ps1 (no)

gamecube (yes)

xbox (the first xbox...not no more....since i got the elite)

sega gen (no)

Ds (Yes)

GB C/A/Sp (no,no,no)

Wii (Yes....love it)


and a couple old pinball machines and arcade games...

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Here's what Random King has!


XBOX 360 (Regular, not arcade or elite)


Nintendo DS


ORIGNAL Gameboy (the one with NO color, all black and white)

Gamboy Advance, still works :D

Butter (Yes, it's a Gaming System, it's a stick of butter, and games are made of butter, and controllers are butter)

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For me

Wii (Yes)

Gamecube (I use the most)

PS2 (Not really, my sister hogs it)

DSx2 (Yes, the other is just borrowed from my sister for trading)

SP (Only for GC games)

Gameboy Color (No)

Gameboy Pikachu Edition (No)


Used to have

PS1x2 and N64, and probably some really old console, that I can't remember.

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