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Chimeratech Question

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I was given "Chimeratech Fortress Dragon" today by my GF, Rachel. I have a serious question with it though.


It can only be summoned from the Extra Deck by sending Cyber Dragon and any other amounts of Machine Monsters on the field to the Graveyard.


Now here is my question: With a condition like that, would it be possible to substitute monsters like the "Hex Sealed Fusion" monsters in place of Cyber Dragon? If not, then i'm limited to only the 1 "Proto-Cyber Dragon" in my deck.

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I was given "Chimeratech Fortress Dragon" today by my GF' date=' Rachel. I have a serious question with it though.


It can only be summoned from the Extra Deck by sending Cyber Dragon and any other amounts of Machine Monsters on the field to the Graveyard.


Now here is my question: With a condition like that, would it be possible to substitute monsters like the "Hex Sealed Fusion" monsters in place of Cyber Dragon? If not, then i'm limited to only the 1 "Proto-Cyber Dragon" in my deck.



Light Hex cannot substitute due to this:



You can only Special Summon this card from your Extra Deck by sending the above cards from either side of the field to the Graveyard. (You do not use "Polymerization".)


You can however substitute it with Prisma, but you'd need a CyDra in the Deck to send to the Graveyard. 3 Proto-Cydras would be a good idea if you want to get this out often.

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