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My crappy deck...(Deck Changed AGAIN)


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I edited the deck a little. I was bored last night, and kind of got a little thought into my head of what I wanted my deck to do. I don't have a lot of the good cards you all do, so this is the best I could do...




Armed Dragon Lv 3 (x2)

Armed Dragon Lv 5 (x2)

Armed Dragon Lv 7

Armed Dragon Lv 10

Fire Trooper (x2)

Pitch Black Warwolf (x2)

Poison Mummy (x3)

Raging Flame Sprite (x2)

Solar Flair Dragon (x3)

Stealth Bird (x2)

Volcanic Queen

Volcanic Slicer





Dark World Lightning

Giant Trunade

Kaiser Colleseum

Level Down!? (x2)

Level Modulation (x2)

Level Up!

Monster Reborn

Monster Reincarnation

Mystical Space Typhoon

Mystik Wok


Wave Motion Cannon (x2)




Compulsory Evacuation Device

Dimension Wall

Divine Wrath (x2)

Gravity Bind

Magic Cylinder

Magic Jammer

Remote Revenge

Sakuretsu Armor

Spell Shield Type-8

Thunder Of Ruler

Trap Hole

Wall Of Revealing Light





Thanks for looking.


BTW, go ahead, you can say it's crap ^_^

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- Seven Tools

+ 2 Solemn Judgement


(Seven Tools can only Negate Traps but at 1000 LP it is cheap to use. Solemn however Negates ANYTHING. And very late into the Duel Life Points won't matter much so paying half to Negate a Heavy Storm can save you)


- 2 Spellbinding Circle

+ 1 Gravity Bind


(I noticed that you run a Wave Motion Cannon. Early in the Duel you could shave 2000 -3000 Life Points off of your Opponent if you Stall them with GB. Spellbinding Circle is completely useless and there is already a better version "Nightmare Wheel")


- 1 Old Vindictive Magician

+ 1 Level Up!


(You run a lot of LV monsters, so this card is a MUST I would even suggest running a extra 1 or 2. There is already a lot of FLIP Monster removal so you can afford to drop 1 Vindictive)


- 1 Barrel Behind the Door

+ 1 Level Modulation.


(Barrel Behind the Door is useless unless you plan to hit yourself for a lot of Damage. Level Modulation may give your opponent 2 Cards but then you get to Summon a Big Beastie from the Grave. It's like a second Reborn for LV monsters.)

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- Seven Tools

+ 2 Solemn Judgement


(Seven Tools can only Negate Traps but at 1000 LP it is cheap to use. Solemn however Negates ANYTHING. And very late into the Duel Life Points won't matter much so paying half to Negate a Heavy Storm can save you)


- 2 Spellbinding Circle

+ 1 Gravity Bind


(I noticed that you run a Wave Motion Cannon. Early in the Duel you could shave 2000 -3000 Life Points off of your Opponent if you Stall them with GB. Spellbinding Circle is completely useless and there is already a better version "Nightmare Wheel")


- 1 Old Vindictive Magician

+ 1 Level Up!


(You run a lot of LV monsters' date=' so this card is a MUST I would even suggest running a extra 1 or 2. There is already a lot of FLIP Monster removal so you can afford to drop 1 Vindictive)


- 1 Barrel Behind the Door

[b']+ 1 Level Modulation.[/b]


(Barrel Behind the Door is useless unless you plan to hit yourself for a lot of Damage. Level Modulation may give your opponent 2 Cards but then you get to Summon a Big Beastie from the Grave. It's like a second Reborn for LV monsters.)

Bold = I don't have that card...


Pick a theme. This deck is all over the place.

I'm tryin different things. Idk what to do exactly...But I personally love burn decks ^_^

The deck is trap heavy... Base the deck around LV monsters' date=' instead of on something else.


I spot a LV deck, with burn/stall cards? You should fix that up a bit


Ya, my fave cards in duels are Traps. But I do know it's bad to have too many.

I do like the lv thing, but idk how exactly to make a deck for my dragons and/or insects =/

(I do, but I don't have the best cards for it, ya know?)


This is a good-natured deck' date=' with some good beatdown cards.

But not too great either. Still has a lot of work.


Thanks. I'll try somethin ^_^

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At least the title doesn't lie. A bit of advice. Do not combine LV themes like this. As much as LV themes suck, they should never be combined like this. Basically, pick one or the other.


I would pick the Armed Dragon theme:


Something along these lines:


Extra Deck: 3


3x Five-Headed Dragon


Monsters: 17


1x Armed Dragon LV 10

3x Armed Dragon LV 7

3x Armed Dragon LV 5

3x Armed Dragon LV 3

3x Masked Dragon

2x Phantom of Chaos

1x Sangan

1x Breaker the Magical Warrior


Spells: 17


3x Hand Destruction

2x Level Up

2x Foolish Burial

2x Dragon's Mirror

1x Future Fusion

1x Card Destruction

1x Heavy Storm

1x Giant Trunade

1x Monster Reborn

1x Fissure

1x Smashing Ground

1x Lightning Vortex


Traps: 6


1x Torrential Tribute

2x Bottomless Trap Hole

3x Threatening Roar


I know it probably wouldn't win any big games but it looks much more refined than the Deck you posted.


Armed Dragon LV 7 and Armed Dragon LV 10 are both viable Phantom of Chaos targets. Hand Destruction deals with possible dead draws that may happen. Card Destruction serves pretty much the same purpose. Super Rejuvenation may also be good in here for even more draw power.

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Armed dragon = Yes

Fixed =D


scrap this pile and start fresh with a good deck...

Uhmm...Maybe a lil? I did just kinda redo my deck' date=' I'm thinkin about postin it, but it's still crap I think.


At least the title doesn't lie. A bit of advice. Do not combine LV themes like this. As much as LV themes suck, they should never be combined like this. Basically, pick one or the other.


I would pick the Armed Dragon theme:


Something along these lines:


Extra Deck: 3


3x Five-Headed Dragon


Monsters: 17


1x Armed Dragon LV 10

3x Armed Dragon LV 7

3x Armed Dragon LV 5

3x Armed Dragon LV 3

3x Masked Dragon

2x Phantom of Chaos

1x Sangan

1x Breaker the Magical Warrior


Spells: 17


3x Hand Destruction

2x Level Up

2x Foolish Burial

2x Dragon's Mirror

1x Future Fusion

1x Card Destruction

1x Heavy Storm

1x Giant Trunade

1x Monster Reborn

1x Fissure

1x Smashing Ground

1x Lightning Vortex


Traps: 6


1x Torrential Tribute

2x Bottomless Trap Hole

3x Threatening Roar


I know it probably wouldn't win any big games but it looks much more refined than the Deck you posted.


Armed Dragon LV 7 and Armed Dragon LV 10 are both viable Phantom of Chaos targets. Hand Destruction deals with possible dead draws that may happen. Card Destruction serves pretty much the same purpose. Super Rejuvenation may also be good in here for even more draw power.


I don't have all those cards...

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Long time ago, one of my buddies had an Armed Dragon deck. I would take out some of the more random things in here, like man eater and the harpies, and add in masked dragons and maybe flying kamakiri #1's (the wind searchers). They make getting out armed level 5 much easier and whatnot. I'd also cut down on some of your traps. Generally a lot of traps are a bad idea. Maybe make some of them Threatening Roars to help keep your level guys alive long enough to level up. Of all these "themes" you've got in here (wind, levels, harpies), Armed Dragon seems like the best way to go.


Good luck on your fixes.

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I changed my deck up. Kind of went for constant lp loss and all' date=' but I don't know if I did good at all...

I don't have alot of the stuff you all do >.<



Y'see, there's this glorious thing called eBay...

Yes, because I just have money pouring out of my pockets.
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Trust me i've seen a lot worse lol.


For starters

-1 Dust Tornado

+1 Monster Reborn.

(Dust Tornado is too situational having to wait a Turn and Monster Reborn helps to Nab a monster and should be in any Deck)

if youve seen my deck then yes u have

anyway looks good at first thought it was wierd cause you switched

from a Dragon Lv deck to a Volcanic burn deck, but as i read on it looked better

sweet deck

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I edited the deck a little. I was bored last night' date=' and kind of got a little thought into my head of what I wanted my deck to do. I don't have a lot of the good cards you all do, so this is the best I could do...




Armed Dragon Lv 3 (x2)

Armed Dragon Lv 5 (x2)

Armed Dragon Lv 7

Armed Dragon Lv 10

Gren Maju Da Eiza

Hiita The Fire Charmer

Pitch Black Warwolf (x2)

Poison Mummy (x3)

Raging Flame Sprite (x2)

Solar Flair Dragon (x2)

Ultimate Baseball Kid (x3)

Volcanic Queen

Volcanic Slicer





Dark Snake Syndrome

Dark World Lightning (x2)

Dimensional Fissure

Heart of Clear Water

Level Down!?

Mystical Space Typhoon

Wave Motion Cannon




Attack and Receive (x3)

Compulsory Evacuation Device

Dimension Wall

DNA Surgery

DNA Transplant

Graverobber's Retribution

Gravity Bind

Magic Cylinder

Magic Jammer (x2)

Mirror Force

Return from the Different Dimension

Sakuretsu Armor

Spell Shield Type-8

Trap Hole





Thanks for looking.


BTW, go ahead, you can say it's crap ^_^


ok, remove attack and receive and add in 3 roars.


Gren Maju Da Eiza

Hiita The Fire Charmer

and add in 2 des wombats, they will protect you from the blacklash effects of Dark Snake Syndrome, of which you should run 3, take out DNA Surgery

DNA Transplant

for them.


that should put you on the right track for a burn deck / dragon deck.

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