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[DISC]Evil Hero.

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yeah,,, synchro material, tributable for monarchs or a malicious edge, dasher, or an extra tribute to complete the 3 for plasma (these last ones if you want to draw 1 card that you won't get to use this turn.) I would combo it with some more cards if it had 0 DEF, that's another bad point.

why are great pics attached to the worst effect's cards? (DMG, charmers, etc.) :(

if this was created by some person in the cardmaker I would give it a 6/10

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yeah' date=',, synchro material, tributable for monarchs or a malicious edge, dasher, or an extra tribute to complete the 3 for plasma (these last ones if you want to draw 1 card that you won't get to use this turn.) I would combo it with some more cards if it had 0 DEF, that's another bad point.

why are great pics attached to the worst effect's cards? (DMG, charmers, etc.) :(

if this was created by some person in the cardmaker I would give it a 6/10



Just because it doesn't have 0 DEF ad gets the card at the End Phase means it's bad?


I find it a good card. It would go pretty well into most of these DARK decks. Sure, it can only be SS when you have no monsters. And it's draw effect only works when tributing for a Hero. But, it's still good. Has a lot of support. And, in this meta, the field is clear a lot. Meaning it just gets more time to be SS. And, it's great syncrho food. As long as you draw it early.

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yeah' date=',, synchro material, tributable for monarchs or a malicious edge, dasher, or an extra tribute to complete the 3 for plasma (these last ones if you want to draw 1 card that you won't get to use this turn.) I would combo it with some more cards if it had 0 DEF, that's another bad point.

why are great pics attached to the worst effect's cards? (DMG, charmers, etc.) :(

if this was created by some person in the cardmaker I would give it a 6/10



Just because it doesn't have 0 DEF ad gets the card at the End Phase means it's bad?


I find it a good card. It would go pretty well into most of these DARK decks. Sure, it can only be SS when you have no monsters. And it's draw effect only works when tributing for a Hero. But, it's still good. Has a lot of support. And, in this meta, the field is clear a lot. Meaning it just gets more time to be SS. And, it's great syncrho food. As long as you draw it early.


the card is desent but not that good... and no,... I'm not saying its bad only because it has 0 DEF... (if it had, it would be faster for my deck though) don't twist my words... there are other reasons I stated as to why this is not as good... for example... why wait until end-phase and make you use it in that sertain hero deck to make you draw 1 card only?...

the best combo I can think of right now is this guy being special summoned by its own effect, inferno recless, and summon D hero plasma, then draw 3 until end phase... I don't like those tempting draws where you only get cards you can't immediately use that turn (end-phase)

I'm not going to say more stuff about it,,, I don't hate this card that much......

those where two reasons...

I'll be looking for one because I resently started collecting evil heroes (want to try out the deck)


tell me... how good is that deck?

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I'll be looking for one because I resently started collecting evil heroes (want to try out the deck)


tell me... how good is that deck?


Depends on the build. But, most rely on E-Heroes. PM me and remind me to send you a basic decklist for them.


Anyways, it's just your personal preference that you don't like drawing them at the End Phase. But, you DO draw them. Just have to wait a turn.

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