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[DISC] Assault Modes [DISC]

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Why haven't they made an assualt mode Goyo Guardian yet? It would probably be broken' date=' I hope.[/b']




When this card destroys a monster by battle, Special Summon up to four monsters from either player's Graveyard in face-up Attack Position. [When I die, regular Goyou returns.]


Likely? Maybe not. But I don't think most people would have guessed that Doomkasier/Buster would be a walking OTK.

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they seem pretty desent, they are stronger than their regular synchro forms, and have better effects... they are not a problem for the deck sinse they have some support to mess around with buster-assault mode (the trap) and the assault monsters themselves can be returned to the deck for more advantages with some other cards. also... even if some effects are not broken enough, this mode will at least save them by making your opponent miss the target of a card effect... he/she played fissure, you play your trap and call the stronger form... missed your target,, you still destroy it somehow? ...doesn't matter, I recover my synchro form ^-^

yup.... I don't say its underpowered.... but they are yet to be tested by people so.. who knows?

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