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Manticore of Darkness. Banwothy?

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In my big book of things that are true, Page 98560 contains four true facts:


1) The topic creator hasn't read the effect of Manticore of Darkness properly.


2) Other cards in this combo should be banned; Manticore of Darkness itself is fine.


3) Banning a card that is only a problem when used in multiples is stupid.


4) Steely Dan has some pretty awesome music. Go listen to Black Cow immediately.

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Guest PikaPerson01

Anyone who's not an idiot knows that it's CoSR that's causing the problem here, not Manticore.


Second of all, you don't need to tribute for Manticore. It can be in your hand.

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Guest PikaPerson01

Manti should be at one.

Not at 0.



I don't do that whole "fix'd" thing that all the nerds seem to be hip on.


However I do say mean spirited things like: "You're opinion is grossly uneducated and wrong. I must request that you please distance yourself from any future discussions that you may encounter on this topic, so that those who do want to learn, rather than just promote an ideology, can do so."


tl;dr version: CoSR should be at 0. Manticore should be at 3.

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In my big book of things that are true' date=' Page 98560 contains four true facts:


1) The topic creator hasn't read the effect of Manticore of Darkness properly.


2) Other cards in this combo should be banned; Manticore of Darkness itself is fine.


3) Banning a card that is only a problem when used in multiples is stupid.


4) Steely Dan has some pretty awesome music. Go listen to [i']Black Cow[/i] immediately.


4 truths per page?


Exodia and CoSR are the banworthy cards in the loop. Unless your opponent doesnt know what stalling is and you repeat the mantiloop until he/she quits.

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In my big book of things that are true' date=' Page 98560 contains four true facts:


1) The topic creator hasn't read the effect of Manticore of Darkness properly.


2) Other cards in this combo should be banned; Manticore of Darkness itself is fine.


3) Banning a card that is only a problem when used in multiples is stupid.


4) Steely Dan has some pretty awesome music. Go listen to [i']Black Cow[/i] immediately.


4 truths per page?


Yeah. They're so true, they're worth printing in really big letters, so there's no room for more than four per page.

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Interesting. How many pages in total?


The number of pages fluctuates depending on how many things are true in the universe. As the universe becomes more deceitful and corrupt' date=' pages burst into flame and whither away.


They should make a manga based on this premise.



i would read it...


and cosr is the problem not manticor...

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