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4 tasks. Up to 35 points for each task!

Jovi Siagian

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I've got 4 requests. I will pay 35 - 50 points for each task you do depending on the quality, except for task 2 which I will give 40 points for the lowest quality and 60 points for the highest quality. Post what you come up with here. Best of luck, guys! ;)


NOTE: For making signatures tasks, make sure all of their sizes are equal. So, the size of the signature that is made first will be the size for the other signatures. Make sure you check the first signature made.


[align=center][spoiler=[b]Task 1[/b]]

What to do: Making signature.



Size: 400 x 175, or 400 x 150

[spoiler=[b]Texts:[/b] Put text 1 and text 2 on the different place of the signatures.][spoiler=Text 1]Rivalry always exists


[spoiler=Text 2]That started long ago....




[spoiler=[b]Task 2[/b]]

What to do: Making signature.

[spoiler=[b]Focal:[/b] You're gonna use 2 renders, that's why I'm paying more for this one]Manjyoume.pngManjyoume.png


Size: 400 x 175, or 400 x 150

Text:...in the present...

[spoiler=[b]Task 3[/b]]

What to do: Making signature.



Size: 400 x 175, or 400 x 150

Text: ....and far away in the future

[spoiler=[b]Task 4[/b]]

What to do: Fusing pictures

What to fuse: The artworks of Dark Armed Dragon and Armed Dragon LV10



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