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My First Sncyro, Geez And Card :]


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Lore: 1 Tuner + 1 or more non-Tuner Plant-Type monsters + 1 or more non-Tuner Zombie-Type monsters

When this card is Snycro Summoned, destroy all cards your opponent controls, discard your whole hand.

Depending on how many cards your discarded activate 1 of the following effects:

1 - Increase this cards ATK by 1000 until the End Phase of this turn.

2 - Draw a card.

3 - Increase this cards ATK and DEF by 1000.

4 - Once per turn, during your Main Phase draw 1 card.

5 and over - Your opponent discards their hand to the Graveyard.

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OCG fixing (attempt)



1 Tuner + 1 or more non-Tuner Plant-Type monsters + 1 or more non-Tuner Zombie-Type monster's

When this card is Synchro/advanced Summoned, destroy all cards your opponent controls, discard all cards in your hand.

Depending on how many cards your discarded activate 1 of the following effects:

1 - Increase this cards ATK by 1000 until the End Phase of this turn.

2 - Draw a card.

3 - Increase this cards ATK and DEF by 1000.

4 - Once per turn, during your Main Phase draw 1 card.

5 or more - Your opponent discards their hand to the Graveyard.[/align]


didnt sound right after fixing so...

That's all i could fix ... ¬.¬'

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[align=center] [spoiler=To jumentinho ]please don't post your cards in somebody else's thread, they are bad enough as it is, and only post it once, i have had to NEG you for this :(





ON TOPIC: I have already rated this card ;) still you need a pic, otherwise this can be classed as a written card.[/align]

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