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[align=center]Everything is Free. I make items less thanan hour or if i forget to i put you in the waiting list. If you want more examples just ask.Also if you want me to redo i will!Every day i will learn how to make new things and sell it so come back everyday to see what is new!


[spoiler=Order Form]Sprite Sheet:

How Fast Animation Goes(Optional):



[spoiler=Splices and Recolors][spoiler=Examples for Splices]f1mcxv.pngnbt4xj.png1076r7o.png

[spoiler=Order Form]Sprites:

Who's base,wings,arms,etc.:

[spoiler=Recolors Examples]vhaxog.png2m4f211.png250jujr.png


[spoiler=Order Form]

Splice or Sprite:

Colors and where to put them:



[spoiler=OCG Checking Form]




2usbvgo.jpg[spoiler=Order form]Card:



[spoiler=Holos for Invert]

[spoiler=Holo Inverts Example]qnsjns.jpg

[spoiler=Order Form]Card:




[spoiler=Regular Holos]


[spoiler=Order Form]Card:




[spoiler=Waiting List for Items]Chaos


[spoiler=Banned from shop] No one



On 1/31/09:Shop will be closed from 3 to 9 in american time

More you buy here.The more coupons u get!

If i didnt put you on the waiting list and i havent made your item yet.Then i will pay you 10 points for waiting and you get more items for free!!!



[spoiler=Coupons]Coupons can be used to get items that no one else can get.It could be an item i have never posted here before or something that no one can find.Coupons differ from each other so you wont get the same one


[spoiler=Customer List]

Everytime you order i put you here.At the end of the week i see which customer bought more that week and give the customer a limeited item that i made and if you dont like it i will give points for coming here a lot.



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