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One Liners Used When Dueling


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For me my opponent has a face up Fusion Gate, Cyber Twin, Shining Flare Wingman and Wild Edge on the field right.

Opponent: "Your going to be dead you know that?" *Confident Voice*

Me: "Don't fear the reaper."


I drew my card being Release Restraint and played the Gearfreed in hand then used Release Restraint to special summon Gearfreed The Swordmaster and equipped him with 2 Lighting Blades to destroy the Cyber Twin and Shining Flare then went in and inflicted 1600 damage since Sogen was out on the field from a previous turn, to my opponent by destroying Wild Edge in battle, my opponent didn't draw a monster, my turn and I played Mattaza The Zapper and bang struck with both for 6800 for over kill.


One Liner:

"Don't Fear The Reaper"

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i like to say "Its my turn now!" a lot. you know, like when Yami and Kaiba dueled Umbra and Lumis. Yami wasnt done with his turn, but Lumis goes "Its my turn now!"




and when i know i am definitely going to win, i drag out my last turn using every technical term and sometimes even monologuing.

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