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Spam, spam, spam! What is wrong with you!

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Look, people have been reported for this thing called "spam". Here is the definition of spam:


(lowercase) a disruptive, esp. commercial message posted on a computer network or sent as e-mail.


Spam is advertising another website on the other, in order to drive away people from their original website; examples such as:


You are playing YCM.


You see someone advertising their own website, asking you to join it. They are driving you away from YCM.


That is what spam is. Advertising your website without permission from a mod or YCMaker. Spam is not these examples: [spoiler=NOT spam examples][spoiler=1]!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

[spoiler=2]Yo, I like Hamburgers with Swiss Cheese!


People are reporting other people for these examples, that makes no sense at all. Now tell me, who agrees?

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isn't spam just something like


something pointless and in unrelated context to the site its on?


like saying 'i likez cheezeburgerz' on a YCMaker discussion, its irrelevant, spam is useless and unrelated... hmm....


so if i say:

I aM a MiNd HaXoRz!!11!!11!!!!!11!! that's not spam?


[spoiler=[b]DICTIONARY OPINION[/b]]

Spam  /spæm/ Show Spelled Pronunciation [spam] Show IPA Pronunciation

noun, verb, spammed, spam⋅ming.

1. Trademark. a canned food product consisting esp. of pork formed into a solid block.

–noun 2. (lowercase) a disruptive, esp. commercial message posted on a computer network or sent as e-mail.

–verb (used with object) 3. (lowercase) to send spam to.

–verb (used without object) 4. (lowercase) to send spam.




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The use of the word "spam" for anything other than canned meat is derived from a sketch from Monty Python's Flying Circus in which all actual conversation in a cafe is drowned out by Vikings singing the word "SPAM" over and over again. Because of this sketch, "spam" now refers to any pointless messages, be they junk mail or nonsensical forum posts, that contribute nothing and merely get in the way. As such, the use of the word "spam" to refer to forum posts such as those described here is perfectly.


I am not even sure what the topic creator is complaining about. Whether you call them "spam", "nonsense", or "potato", such posts are still neither appreciated nor permitted.


This topic is wrong, and if it wasn't wrong it would still be pointless. As such, it is now locked.

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