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Share the Spot Light.


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Superyoutubeemporioumman: [b]Youtube Emporioum, everything must go! go! go![/b]
Billy: [i] Who are you?[/i]
Superyoutubeemporioumman: [b]Why, I am, Superyoutubeemporioumman, and I'm here to share the spotlight.[/b]
Billy: [i]Huh?[/i]
Superyoutubeemporioumman: [b]Share the spot light, do you know an artist who has yet to be seen by a major label?[b]
Billy: [i]I sure do, Superyoutubeemporioumman.[/i]
Superyoutubeemporioumman: [b]Good, now all you have to do, is give us a link, and tell us a little reason why you like this artist.[/b]
Billy: [i] Okie Dokie, Superyoutubeemporioumman! =D

Well, as we can see from the Adventure of little billy. Not everyone knows that shining star, who just isn't bright enough.

So to start this off, the artist I am going to share the spotlight with, is
"thechurchofdave" from youtube. The song?
This one:
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