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*The Twilight Saga Reenactment*

Silver Lining

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User name: Youarehere

Character you want to be: Jasper

Why do you think you should be this person?: Cause Jasper is the coolest character in the whole series.

Have you seen the movie, read the book, both, or neither?: I've read the whole series and seen the movie twice and once was against my own will.

What do you know about this character?: He can sense the moods and alter the moods of people around him. In turn, he is also affected by the moods of others. He is a newborn vampire. Relatively, that is. He was made a vampire during the Civil War and he was raised in the south. Do you really need an in depth history?

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User name: Eternal Zodiac

Character you want to be: Jasper

Why do you think you should be this person?: I just think that Jasper's awesome, and his past is really interesting

Have you seen the movie, read the book, both, or neither?: I just finished Eclipse today, and I saw the Twilight movie

What do you know about this character?: I know that he can affect the feelings of people around him, I know his entire past, he's the newest "vegetarian" in the Cullen family, I would say more but it would spoil parts of the books

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