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The Digital World RP

Mr. Hyde

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Mercurymon was aware of the explosions outside. 'It seems our dance, must have to wait for now, my Lady' he says and bows. He jumps through and window and lands, looking for the battle, he found it. 'Those fools' he grumbles and leaps into the air, absorbing both their attacks and reflecting them with Dark Reflection.

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ooc: i has proof of Yggdrasil! http://digimon.wikia.com/wiki/Yggdrasil


Agumon looked at Dorumon "he was right to eliminate your kind!" he walked over to the enterance of the Mobile Fortress and looked inside to see the piolt... MegaGargomon Ruin Mode

I remember yggadrassil

He was in that x-antibody movie.

Dorumon had his eyes closed

"AAAARGH!!!!!yggdrasil wanted to kill all x-antibody!!!If you were one you would know how it feels to be treated that way!!" (Dorumon was talking to Agumon)

Dorumon had a black force around him


Dorumon had warped digivolved to Alphamon.

"I think i've had enough of this madness!!Digitalize of soul!!!"

A green beam fired from Alphamon into Shinegreymon(Agumon is now Shinegreymon right?)

"I am the leader of the Royal Knights...yggdrasil didn't care for all digimon he only cared for the clean digimon!!!"

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"you...you never ruled the Royal Kinghts...you where only 'Lord of the Empty Seat' you nevr ruled anything..." ShineGreymon broke free of Alphamons Grasp regaining the GeoGrey Sword "Yggdrasil was onl...forget it...MG!" MegaGargomon Ruin Mode flew in to the battle feild "your lettime me have some fun?" MegaGargomon RM drew his Sword and Sheild "lets go!" "lets go!"

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Alphamon winked a little because of the pain


"Hehe it hurts but it doesnt more than this.."


A black aura surrounds Alphamon and his personality changed


" So...You want to talk about Blades Now......Seiken Grade Allpha(Nobody can dodge or even overpower that except for Cherubimon and other ultimate strong digimon)!!!!!!"


A large Spear flew right in the chest of MagaGargomon RM

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ooc: sry, that last post was at KR

MegaGargomon RM watched the Spear impact him "thank you...for your Data!" the spear Digitazed and folowed Yggdrasils Data "wow...you made a dent..." he looked at the smal hole in his chest and chuckled "that knida hurt..." he started to turn to Data "i will Return...i only have this form...in my Digivolution Chain!" mos of his Data Was formated into an egg and the rsat followed Yggdrasils Data "i-i...WILL KILL YOU!!!!" ShineGreymon shashed off the left arm of Alphamon in rage (ooc: you data isn`t taken...just the attack)

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Dorumon was deep in his mind.

"Man where am I?" asked Dorumon.

"You are in your mind" said an unknown figure


The figure walked closely to Dorumon and you could see it was Alphamon


"Hey you're me"


"That is right.....but we don't have time to get along....wake up Dorumon....Wake up."


Dorumon then woke up


"Waaaah!!!.....It was a dream?.....No it was real....Those guys are my future and past digivolutions and dedigivolutions."

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Agumon walked over to Yggdrasil`s storage room "my lord, Yggdrasil, we have failed you... MegaGargomon has returned to DigiEgg form" "MegaGargomon, he was and still is a loyal follower...it was his choise to do that...and it on`t take long for him to return...as for the non-belivers...they`ll see my force soon!" Agumon bowed and left "soon...i will have a body...Dexmon...you are a good host and guard"

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