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Felix Culpa

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--i didn't specify a specific one, i meant just a random trainer


Zach: (walked out of the Pokemon Center and noitced two trainers heading towards it he walked over) excuse me, could you possibly tell where the docks are? i need to get to the Orange Islands


--this is you

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"Wow, you've got a Dragonite?" asked Jade, astonished at the large dragon. "You must be pretty good. As you can see I've got Leafline (Turtwig), Wurm (Silcoon), Hitmonchan, Wailmer and Magikarp. I'm wondering what to capture for my sixth Pokemon." Before she could say anymore she thought she could smell something funny, something rather the smell of a toxic Pokemon...

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"Woah!" yelled Jade as she jumped out of the way in time to avoid the man. For a second she glanced at the Lapras, then at the fallen man. She was about to ask his name when that smell came back to her. She dragged herself away from the ground, tracing that Pokemon, and eventually found a Grimer in a lone area, having driven off other Pokemon with its smell.


"Let's do this," said Jade. "Go Leafline! Razor leaf!" The leaf neatly came into contact with the Grimer. Leafline began to dodge a load of purple sludge being thrown at him but he was too late; it had caught him on the foot. Although he cried out, he retorted by performing another razor leaf. Suddenly some lilac gas emitted from the sludgy body of the Grimer. At once Jade covered her nose and mouth and Leafline immediately withdrew into his shell, protecting him from the posion. He let off yet another razor leaf. Knowing the strength of the attacks, Jade guessed it was about time she caught the Grimer. After getting hit with another sludge move, Leafline quickly but gently tackled the Grimer, lowering his health ever so slightly. Before the acid Pokemon could react Jade threw the Great Ball she now held (she was worried the acid from the Grimer would melt the normal Pokeball) and it caught the Pokemon. Triumphantly raising her Great Ball like a trophy, she returned to the ground, clearly showing off her sixth and final member of her new team.

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"Sure, I'll fight. But first..." She quickly ran to the Pokemon Center, healed everybody, then returned to Chris. Then came the task of deciding which Pokemon to use. Should she make this a fair battle or should she make it an unfair battle and use Leafline?


"I'm going to do this fairly," declared Jade. "And not use Leafline. Instead, go Grimer!" The toxic Pokemon appeared. "Show me what you've got Grimer! And you Pichu."

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