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Felix Culpa

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"Radlight ..." muttered Jade. "Reportedly where some of the Dendow are. I'm going!" She looked around. It seemed as if the only way to get through was water. "Go Wailmer!" The large ballon whale Pokemon appeared. At once Jade sat on him and, when her three other Pokemon finished boarding him, they began to make their way to Radlight, with Jade's Magikarp swimming alongside them.

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"Come on Wailmer, you can get there," said Jade to the tiring Wailmer. Radlight was already within sight, but it seemed as if Wailmer wouldn't be able to make it. "I know we've gone a long way, come on, you can do it, I trust in you."


Magi. Jade turned to see her Magikarp swimming over, looking rather battered. Suddenly she understood his appearance.


"You've been fighting?" she asked. The fish nodded. She just gaped. How did she not realise ...? Of course, she had been too busy urging Wailmer foward to realise. "If you evolve into Gyarados now ..." She didn't expect him to do so. Suddenly his form glowed white and his entire body changed. With a mighty roar, it became a Gyarados.


Jade's jaw had dropped. So had Leafline's. So had Wailmer's. So had Hitmonchan's. And Jade was pretty certain Wurm's had as well. At once Jade clambered onto her new Pokemon and returned the others to their Pokeballs first.


"Full speed ahead Gyarados!" she yelled. At once the dragon shot ahead towards the island like a speedboat, neatly bumping against the harbour. Jade clumisly fell off him before returning him to his Pokeball. Now back on dry land she let Leafline, Wurm and Hitmonchan out again, before wondering who else she knew was on Radlight.

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"Ponyta, Fire Blast!" Aaron roared when he saw a Dendow grunt's Golbat attacking two toddlers. "Pick on someone your own size. Heracross use Megahorn!"

The Golbat shot through the air like a bullet and into a wall. The grunt yelped in surprise and ran off.

"Find somewhere dark and small to hide you two." he said as Ponyta neighed at the figures of Leo and what looked like Jade.

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Leo: I know I remember. Wow...First I see Jade..Then Rowena...Now you. Anyways what are you doing here. Did you watch the News! Dendow's Here!


Glaceon Comes out fromthe shadows and Greets Jade.


Leo: Ohh, And this is the Powerful almighty Glaceon....He gets Upset if I introduce him as Just Glaceon...

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"Wow, he's a beautiful Glaceon," said Jade. "Yeah, I heard there were Dendows here and I thought I might as well come here and fight a few of them." She grinned as she held up a Pokeball. "Especially since I now have a Gyarados to train." Jade decided to sit this duel out. She stood back and allowed them space to have a two on two fight.

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