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Felix Culpa

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OoC: I guess I will


Leo: My Snover's Special Ability is about to kick in, so make sure you're wearing a jacket!


The air around the Trainers started to turn cold. Then snow started falling.


Leo: Snover's Snow Warning starts a blizzard,which would help my Snover's Ice moves Freeze you!

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"Shoot! Hitmonchan, get out of the way!" yelled Jade. Despite his confusion, he still managed to avoid - but only just. At last Jade found what she was looking for and gave the remedy to her Pokemon. At once he snapped out of the confused state. "Alright, now let's give that Snover some hell! Get him with Revenge!"

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Wayne followed Leo, having nothing else to do. He entered the Pokemon Center and found Leo battling with Jade. Wayne looked at the man with the Chimchar, noticing that he was rooting for Jade, meaning they have met. He felt that Leo needed some support so Wayne started rooting for Leo. He paused for a second, wondering who the man was. "Hello, what is your name?" Wayne asked.

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"Well, mostly, because they are speedy. Also psychics." Wayne answered. "But there is also the 8th Gym Leader, who specalizes in- well, I'm not suppose to tell you. Though my city is working on a project, by the time you get to my city we will be almost done. But the Gym will be part of the project, so the Gym won't be open for a while." Wayne continued to cheer for Leo and his Snover, hoping that she will win. But he was also rooting for Jade, for she might win too.

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In the Middle of the battle 2 People came by. 1 Was a woman with a microphone. The other was a man with a Video Camera.


Woman: You'll See it here folks. The Seventh Gym Leader of (Reigon Here) is battling a Beginner Trainer. He seems to be using a weak Snover. Who will win? Keep Watching to find out!

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