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Felix Culpa

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Jade noticed Leo putting his hood up and going to Nurse Joy. She couldn't help wondering why his face looked so familiar. Before she could ponder this, her Pokemon returned to her, with the news the chilly climates hadn't seriously affected them. She let out Leafline, Wurm and Hitmonchan. For a second she considered letting Grimer out, but realised his toxic body would probably upset everybody.

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"Chimchar, return." Aaron wandered over to the check-in desk and handed over his two Pokeballs. "Thank you, Nurse Joy." As he turned around, he noticed a young, female trainer releasing her pokemon. He thought he should get to know some other trainers as well. "Hi, I'm Aaron. What's your name?"


OoC: Talking to Jade by the way.

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"Sure thing," agreed Jade. Now the dilema was who to use - pretty much her entire team had a type advantage over the Snover. The question was, who was she going to use? The best chances would be Wurm, Hitmonchan and Grimer. If I use Wurm, he's not going to be able to put on a stronger fight than Hitmonchan or Grimer, despite having a type-advantage.

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(Zach had left the skys and was now using Milotic to sail smoothly acrossed the water, he was lying on his back enjoying the smooth sailing) Zach: (sighs) this is great, i wish i could do this all day


Milotic: Mi-lo-mi-tic


Zach: i can agree (closes his eyes and drifts off to sleep)

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(after 2 hours of sleep Zach wakes up and noticed the Milotic has stopped) Zach: hm? what's wrong Milo..... (his words where suddenly cut off by surpise) an entire herd of Lapras where blocking their path) well now, this is impressive (looking around at the hundred or so Lapras) and also inconvienet (looking for a way around)

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