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Botix! |The new mech Roleplay| |Near to killed, get this locked please|


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"Holy S***!" Kichou said with a half-baked impression. Katapliktikos reacted and guarded Kichou with his armor plates. "Katapliktikos! Transform to defense mode!" Katapliktikos suddenly started to transform into a loaf with more armor plates. Suddenly the gun attacks were being bounced off a gigantic marshmallow.

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Ooc: yes, i'll attack you when i have tim... And shoop, i never attacked.


"Weak..." he said while picking up the Botix "Hey, kid i think you lost something." Aelus threw the defensive Botix at Kichou "You really think i would be stopped?" Aelus was shooting at Kichou relentlessly.

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"Holy **** with **** on top with a side serving of ****!" Kichou said. Katapliktikos could not take anymore bullets. "Time for the offense! Katapliktikos! Transform into attack mode!" Katapliktikos deflated while moving. He hid and most of his armor changed to show thousands of weapons. "Katapliktikos! Use your artillery!" Katapliktikos shot Aelus with his full artillery. "Hows that for weapons Mr. I-Use-A-Railgun?"

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Ooc: Honestly! Where are you going? Besides that you know that the Admirals can go as fast as they want, no... No godmodding, they're that strong.


"Where are you going human?" Both Regis and Aelus thought "Aelus,go back to base warn the other Admirals about this human." Regis then flew up to Auster's speed "Give up human!" He was trying to stab the Botix, but was unnable to do because of the speed.

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Ooc: For real? We have to stop somewhere?


For a moment, Regis thought of become more hostile and shoot him down but that would hurt the stone, so he decided the just fly alongside of Beserk and started to talk to him "Have you considered our offer yet? Become our upper commander, the world will be at your feet."

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Regis perfectly made the turn with Beserk, synchronising it's every move "Why would you pass? This is truly the opportunity of a lifetime!" He pointed at the stone Auster had "You don't know what power it would give when it is combined with the upper powers of evil, surrender it now... I do know that you would protect it to the death, but without Him you can't succeed of unlocking its power!"

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"Anime? No this isn't anything like that!" Regis started flying in front of Beserk with his head turned towards them "Since Shinbu was the only one who could create such a stone, and since that stone contains our full power it is going to be hard to get rid of us! To imagine that Shinbu could create the stone makes him stronger and more important than you, are you gonna let that happen then?"

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OoC: -.-


IC: Kichou almost got Auster but instead he got a straight facepalm to the gravel. "Ow...stupid mach speed..." Katapliktikos stopped shooting and returned to normal mode. Kichou got on Katapliktikos' back and then they started running. "Time for some running music!" Katapliktikos played Running in the 90's.


OoC (2): Search "running in the 90's." If you know the lol, internet fad then this should make more sense.

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