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Botix! |The new mech Roleplay| |Near to killed, get this locked please|


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Jess had been sprinting aimlessly for a while now. After the shock of seeing another rouge, she didn't know how much more of this she would take. Illegal street-fights were bad enough, but at least Botix that belong to humans care about the other person's saftey! Someone was going to die from all this, like she almost had. Whenever she thought about it, she felt the cuts on her arm sting.


She turned a corner and saw Auster and another boy she didn't know. Auster looked a bit confused, like he was looking for something and couldn't find it anywhere. Swallowing, she walked up to them. "Hi," she greeted.

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"So, this is not going to get me anywhere... Old man Charles doesn't know anything about this." He was kicking the ground "I know, i'll go to the junkyard." Shinbu arrived at the junkyard seeing a girl, which he never met before "Hey! Do i know you?" He said while walking over to her "What is a girl like you doing in a neighborhood like this?"

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OoC: It is. But then again you fit right in.



"We will be." Hyoma kmnew he had already gone but he likes to respond to comments. "We should find the rest of the guys. I have a feeling they've also been having a strange day. Due to the fact that we shouldn't just walk around aimlessely for them, let's just head home. I have a feeling I'm not the only one having a strange day. They'll probaly look for me. We should also to some quick checks. Maybe a few upgrades." Hyoma and Barrel dragon started heading home.

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A shiver went down her spine. He was right about the powerful part. That thing back there had almost killed her. She didn't want to get mixed up in this. She just wanted to go home and hide from the rouges. Face it, she thought. This is no place for a little girl. I should just go home.


"Well, I got to go," she said nervously. "Bye." She turned around and stomped off. But she only managed to get a few yards before she realized that she was completely lost.

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OoC: I might not be as active because i'm going to school right now...i'm active at SAT and SUN on Guam Time




I cant help it...if I run...I might make a mistake and he will jump at me, endangering others lives as well...that leaves the only choice too...


"Katapliktikos! Prepare to fight!" Katapliktikos nodded with delight.

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Ooc: Those are not random! I thought of them, quite some time


"You guys, i'm here." Shinbu stepped from around the corner "And..." Just as he was about to say something he imediatly saw the girl "Eh, Auster don't tell me you're dating that... Snob?"

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