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Botix! |The new mech Roleplay| |Near to killed, get this locked please|


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In the future, there existed a new hobby, more like a sport. People around the world are fighting for fun or for fame with creatures called Botix'. in these Botix' you have endless combinations of elements used to fuse, thus creating the things that are called Botix, will you fight in the streets and work your way up just for fun? Or will you become a tyranic Botix fighter?





Biography(must be 3 sentences or more):

Botix Name:

Botix Appearance:

Botix Main Element, and main use (In the meaning of Is it a full attacker a defensive or a fast one, and which damage It deals):


[spoiler=Accepted characters]Fenrir's Herald, Liger Zero, Binkatong, Final Silent Swordsman,Shoop_Da_Whoop_MIII, .:Bronze Hat:., Rua121Lua



EDIT: Alright people, thanks to Final Silent Swordsman, i got the idea to make your Botix transform. Everyone will be able to choose if they can transform which shall be called Deploy... Edit your application and put in an appearance of your Deploy forms (Can have up to 2.) You can choose a fast deploy (Makes your Botix stronger with the sacrifice of Strength) or defensive (Will become ultra defensive at the cost of reduced speed and strength) or you can choose a power Deploy (Will become an allout Strength Botix with the minimum Speed and defense.) Or you can create your own Deploy that varries between the 3 other Deploys (Don't make it to powerful)

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Name: Auster Kiryu

Age: 18

Appearance: 1.jpg

Biography(must be 3 sentences or more): Auster is a revolutionary Botix fighter. His botix resembles an animal, which is a bit uncommon. He is tactical and always has a plan, his botix is a bloodthirsty beast.

Botix Name: Beserk Fuhrer

Botix Appearance: BerserkFuhrer.jpg

Element: Light, the ion particles in the beam basically.

Main Use: The revolutionary part of his botix is it's CAS. (Changing Armor System) It's regular form is the picture above, it's speed form replaces his claws with high speed boosters and his front hand/claws can be used as weapons. His heavy form replaces his claws with two large blasters and missile silos around his body.


Just so you know, that beam he's using is rather hard to actually use so you won't see a lot of it. He can also use the two claws on his back to fight with.

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Ooc: Posting my person now, i edited a few things, like YOUR appearance and the Botix main element and use


Name: Shinbu Awasato

Age: 16

Appearance: Jules0.jpg

Biography(must be 3 sentences or more): Shinbu was always interested in Botix, since he turned 13 he got a Botix, which he had to put together by himself when he created it, it started running across the room like a madman, since that day Shinbu always fights others with it, his tactics are mostly examining the opponent while dodging all the attacks, waiting for an open and weak spot to attack.

Botix Name: Sabrefast

Botix Appearance: Mecha_Dragon___Color_by_LancerAdvan.jpg


Botix Main Element: Electrical.


Botix Main Use: Dodges the enemy attacks with smooth, fast moves and slams in wherever the weak spot is determined, whenever the move sensors indicate a certain hit on him it will activate it's Abnormal Defense System (ADS) and will take care that of most of the hits, when the ADS is hit much it will jump out of it's user, directly at the opponent and will explode.


Ooc: Edited abit, thanks Fenrir for giving me the idea =)

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Can i join:

Name: Nevron

Age: 19

Appearance: EvilGoten.png

Biography (must be 3 sentences or more): Nevron comes from a long legacy of botix fighters. He never really cared about botix fighting until he was forced to become one by his father after his father became a botix champion(botix unknown). Nevron is a social guy, but not to talkitive.

Botix Name: Liger Zero

Botix Appearance: Liger_Zero.jpg

Botix Main Element, and main use (In the meaning of Is it a full attacker a defensive or a fast one, and which damage It deals):Element:light Liger Zero also has a CAS system similar to Beserk Fuhrer. It's Speed form gives it two boosters on it's back, it's heavy form gives it missile silos and two focus beams on it's back. It's blade form gives it several energy blades and a balanced attacker.

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Sounds fun.


Name: Hyoma Zeros

Age: 16

Appearance: 089.jpg

Biography: Hyoma has always been a fan of Botix. He spends most of his time either at a store getting parts for his botix, going to a junkyard for pare parts, working on his botix, getting money to buy parts(usually odd jobs or allowance), or battling. He first got his basic parts for his botix from his dad and then he just went to the junkyard and reshaped scrap so it would fit his botix. He likes to find older parts and isn't in to brand new stuff. He also likes to make custom made parts.

Botix Name: Barrel Dragon

Botix Appearance: 3166tg9.jpg

Botix Main Element, and main use: Electricity. Long Range, decent deffense, sligthly low speed, good targeting system, small jet propulsery system, and strong attack. Barrel Dragon's attacks are powerful, good targeting system, and have a long range, but only fire in a straight line. It's armor is made out of a couple of layers of scrap metal that are slightly rusted and two layer of stronger durable metal that is painted black. It's cannons are solar powered with a small generator of backup energy inside. It can also gain small amounts of energy from the moon. It's jet propulsery system allows it to go in the air a little to doge attacks and make quick turns.


Yes I realize barrel dragon is a monster in yu-gi-oh but he's awesome.

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Name: Jessica (Jess) Reed

Age: 11

Appearance: [spoiler=Pic]Summer_Breeze_by_Robbuz.png

Picture by Robbuz on Deviantart


Biography: When she was younger, she was never really a huge fan of Botix. If fact, she hated it because her older brother Roger spent so much time doing it. He died at the age of 16 when a Botix went wild when she was 10, and she inherited his Botix, Crowned Flyer. Ever since, she has done her best to battle with and advance Crowned Flyer in her brother's honor.

Botix Name: Crowned Flyer

Botix Appearance:

[spoiler=Mecha Pic]Mecha_Duck_by_SaphyreWingz.jpg


Botix Main Element: Wind

Main Use: Thanks to its large wings, light body, and hundreds of tiny jets hidden under its metal feathers, it has become one of the most renowned flyers in the world. It relies of out-maneuvering its opponents rather than overpowering them. Because of its build, Crowned Flyer can fight in almost any conditions, from land to water to air. It must rely on its tentacles (which can stretch very far), claws, and sharp feathers to attack. It has decent defense, amazing speed, weak attack, short to medium range and outstanding maneuvering abilities, and a slightly above average targeting system. It’s most famous attack is its Jet Blast, where it fires all its jets right at the enemy to knock it off balance. Instead of having stores on built-in knowledge (which are very hard to program), he has artificial intelligence that makes him learn the same as a human baby. He has a mental age of about 4.

Deploy Form 1: Guardian Angel





Deploy Form Element: Energy

Main Use: He has wings made entirely of energy that he can change the shape and size of as need be. For example, if he wanted to carry more weight, he would make them bigger, but if he wanted to go faster, he would make them smaller and aerodynamic. He can shoot strong ion cannons from several points on his body. Although he is much stronger (very high attack) and more adaptable than Crowned Flyer, he is not nearly as skilled with maneuvering techniques and has much lower defense. His targeting system is slightly better when in this mode, making him learn faster in this mode.

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Name: Robbie

Age: 10

Appearance: 93e5363.png

Biography: A kid that was into computers. He found a robot wolf about to die and took him on as his own. He know uses him in the arenea. He has a device on his arm that lets him control Zeroshock.

Botix Name: Zeroshock

Botix Appearance: boreas.jpg

Botix Main Element, and main use: Rush Attacks, he usually runs up and plants small attacks on his opponent before he can make a counter.

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