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~ The Shop of Eternities ~

Jerry OldMaster

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[align=center]Hi, I would like to request one please!


Shape: Circle

Image: {HERE}

Colour(s): Green and Red.

Text: 'Scrubs' (up the top) and then 'Ryan Sinden' (down the bottom in slightly larger writing. Can the writing be in yellow please, or if if that doesn't look good, can it be in blue?

Extra's: Could you make the background and put the picture on top of it please?

Payment: I'll pay both ('cus i'm supercalafrajalisticexpeallidocius!)


Thanks in advance!!![/align]

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Shape: (Circle, Oval. Cube, Restangle) circle

Image: (URL Here) http://i16.tinypic.com/5ytf7lg.jpg

Colour(s): (up to three)blue green brown

Text: rise of the mole

Extra's: (You could ask me to do some extra things, but I don't know if I could make those Also, I may higer the price a bit, if it gets too mad.)

Payment: (10 Points or 1 Rep) 10 and a rep

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