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Quillbolt Hedgehog OTK FTW!

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Haha This Deck Is Epic


Monsters: 21

3x Junk Synchron

3x Quillbolt Hedgehog

3x Cannon Soldier

3x Toon Cannon Soldier

3x Sangan

3x Giant Rat

1x Cyber Dragon

2x Jutte Fighter


Spells: 15

3x Mass Driver

1x Burial from a Different Dimension

3x Card of Safe Return

2x Foolish Burial

3x De-Synchro

3x Double Summon


Traps: 4

3x Solemn Judgement

1x Return from a Different Dimesion


Extra Deck: 15

2x Red Dragon Archfiend

2x Stardust Dragon

2x Goyo Guardian

2x Black Rose Dragon

1x Gladiator Beast Gyzarus

1x Gladiator Beast Heraklinos

5x Etc... (Go Besurk)

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if you mill your deck it will be much more likely that you will ftk and you want your tuner in the grave... its friggin plague spreader and will be used over and over again with iiw on the field...


also i forgot to mention that you can use the lumina loop for the ftk as well so thats another reason to run LS.


now please stop being idiotic... its quite annoying...

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If you mill your own deck theres a chance on destroying tuners and your mass driver/ cannon soldier


The fact of the matter is you are doing it wrong.


There is 2 ways of doing the IIW OTK (Quillbolt and Plaguespreader, etc) and of course CoSR. With Lumina in here, you have a chance to FTK.


If you are really that worried about milling Mass Driver, bloody, what do you think the 2 Magical Stone Excavations are for. With 3 Mass Driver in here, I highly doubt you'll mill all 3 and with MSE, I really doubt you'll lose your win condition. Plaguespreader revivies can revive himself and so can Quillbolt and with CoSR, you dont run out of cost payment for Plaguespreader or the Lumina FTK thing.


Also, your Deck is illegal even in Traditional so remove 1 Card of Safe Return.

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3 Sangan? Illegal!


Wow. I missed that.


Maybe he just wants a fun deck? Not every deck requires you to pull off an FTK.


Anyways' date=' Oliee_Beard, try an Imperial Iron Wall or two. That's what it started out using.



So what. A fun Deck is different from a bad one.


-2 Sangan

-3 Giant Rat

-1 Card of Safe Return

-3 De-Synchro

-3 Double Summon


Replacements help you know.

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