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My Current Plat. Team


Infernape Lv. 64



Sky Uppercut


Close Combat


Garchomp Lv. 62



Dragon Rush

Fire Blast

Draco Meteor


Flotzel Lv. 62





Iron Tail


Staraptor Lv. 62 (or) Gliscor Lv. 62

Moves- / Moves-

Brave Bird / Ice Fang

Arieal Ace / Earthquake

Close Combat / X-Scissor

Steel Wing / Guillotine


Luxray Lv. 62




Charge Beam



Roserade Lv. 62


Giga Drain

Shadow Ball

Grass Whistle

Grass Knot


I Know It Sucks:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(


Any other suggestions?????:(:(:(:(:(:(:(

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Can I fight with my pokemon from Pokemon Red for Game Boy Color?


If you can somehow manage that' date=' then by all means, be our guest.





Charizard Lv. 100

Blatoise Lv. 100

Aerodactel Lv.100

Mew Lv.100

Mewtwo Lv.100

Zapdos Lv52


Make all pokemon 100 LV.

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Hey Dark/Felix/Dragoon.


I am in need of a Kyogre. Preferably a Timid one. If I could get max IVs in Sp.Atk and Sp.Def, that would be epic.


I will offer whomever gets me this lovely Pokemon a Bold Crescelia with mild EV-Training in Def, HP, and Sp.Def. If you fully EV train the Kyogre before trading it to me, I will fully EV train the Crescelia.

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Hey Dark/Felix/Dragoon.


I am in need of a Kyogre. Preferably a Timid one. If I could get max IVs in Sp.Atk and Sp.Def' date=' that would be epic.


I will offer whomever gets me this lovely Pokemon a Bold Crescelia with mild EV-Training in Def, HP, and Sp.Def. If you fully EV train the Kyogre before trading it to me, I will fully EV train the Crescelia.



I can AR you a Timid Kyogre, but Felix will shoot my brains out if I do my IV hack for you. =\

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@Felix, Yeah it's done, but it's a mix of OU's and UU's, I wanna try to get into UU battling.


I battled him' date=' but my router d/ced. Damn router. We only got done with like an eight of the battle. He seems pretty competent, except for a Scarf Flygon lead. =\



I caught an Uxie and I might make it a lead. It has max HP IV's so I'm pretty happy with it. But yeah, I think I did good for my first time with my team.

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Why do you guys have to post so much in 1 and a half days?


I was gonna write some stuff and get quotes but it's so depressing and complicated.


The only bit I can be botherd talking about is when Golden discredited Flygon, STFU up Golden; Flygon is godly.


@Tekken: You should get Shoddy as well, I look forward to a battle. Also lead Scarfs are pretty lame, especially a Flygon on. If it would be used for status like Venasaur/Sleep it's pretty cool because it screws up there lead. A lot of leads

have Sash or are bulky so they'll just set up SR then you'll be locked into a move. Also UU is cool but try not to play it as your main focus. By all means you could play OU with a 100% UU team but it would be difficult against competent opponents.


I got my DS back guys^^ Tournament will still be on Shoddy though.

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Off Topic:

Ok, its been 3 months that I have wanted a shiney charmander,charizard, or charmelion

I will give 4+ reps for a 10- or lower level shiney charmander

3+ reps for a 20- or lower for a charmelion thats shiney

and 2+ and 500 points for a 36- or lower shiney charizard


or another prize is, any pokemon, with any move set, with any nature, and any level

your choice


On Topic:I prefer salamance ove flygon, whenever i use him he dies in one hit =/

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Swampert is win^^ Very cool guys who can set up Rocks reliably unless the other guy Taunts/ Phazes/Scouts/Stalls and can make a sweep if it sets up well. Plus it has good STAB, nice resistances, and an immunity. It's only real weakness is Grass moves which most teams have at least two of for the sole perporse of killing Swampert^^ Plus it can sweep quite well if you set him up well enough with Curse.


EDIT: Why aren't my posts making things move pages:?

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Swampert is win^^ Very cool guys who can set up Rocks reliably unless the other guy Taunts/ Phazes/Scouts/Stalls and can make a sweep if it sets up well. Plus it has good STAB' date=' nice resistances, and an immunity. It's only real weakness is Grass moves which most teams have at least two of for the sole perporse of killing Swampert^^ Plus it can sweep quite well if you set him up well enough with Curse.


EDIT: Why aren't my posts making things move pages:?



Because the thread hates you.


Also, does anyone have a Cyndaquil for trade? It's for my sister so it doesn't need Max IV's and stuff.


On another off-topic note, does anyone want to battle?

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On a third off-topic point, I just traded a hacked unfresh Bashful Deo-E with crappy IV's for an equally crappy Calm Cress, that is (presumably) fresh after I fed it the EV lowering berries.


A few questions:

1. Was that a good trade?

2. Is it actually fresh?

3. With crappy (calculated) IV's, does that make it unusable?

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Felix' date=' what the hell happened to you? Are you saying that Flygon outclasses any other Dragon in the OU tier? Flygon, IMO, is the WORST OU Pokemon in the OU tier. If it was any worse, it would be UU.



The fact that I use Salamence and not Flygon is a tesiment to where I place the two but he said it was bad god damn it:x

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Ask Dark for one, he's got a great one that he can clone and trade you. Fully EV'd, IV'd, Right Nature and everything. It's an event Poke so it's max IVs!! It's a Physical Wall Cress so hopwfully that's what you were wanting to do with it anyway.

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