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Just saying, there are 3 custom-items in the hacked tier, which is why there is obviously a simulator, like Shoddy. I battle on WiFi, so I have no access to these items.


Choice Sheild


Increases your DEF by 1.5, only allows the use of attack and status moves (no recovery, Heal Bell, etc.).


Choice Vortex


Inceases your SpD by 1.5, only allows the use of attack and status moves (no recovery, Heal Bell, etc.).


Pressure Power


Increases the base power of your move by 10 (before any other appliants) and you lose 10% every turn you attack.


I've submited all three of my sets. Absol and Regigigas were accepted, they are reveiwing Slaking. If there are no counters, it won't make it into the Uber metagame, only the haxed metagame, where there are NO CLAUSES.

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I just caught a shiny ponyta, and when I went to the center to heal my pokemon, nurse joy said that they caught a pokerus!! What are the chances!

Now, every time I train ponyta( now rapidash) or any other poke that has it one of their stats go up by 9!

Ilm thinking about giving it to a beldum that I currently am training, but if my sister wants it I don't want to pass such a good and powerful disease to her...

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Ah, that's not the same as EVs, that's just the stats that resulted. ^^ You're better off fighting Gyarados for attack EVs. And if you can get a Power item, that also helps the process. I forget which one corresponds to attack, but if you equip it to a Pokerus'd Pokemon, it will gain 12 Attack EVs for each time it kills a Gyarados.

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Nickname:PKMN KING

Pokémon Games You Own:RED,BLUE,YELLOW,RUBY SAPHIRE I THINK, LEAF GREEN EMERALD PEARL and ive played EVERY pokemon game exept of cource Platinum coz its not out yet.

Friend Code:I Dunno how to get ot

Trainer Name:Dom

Favorite Pokémon:Cressilia, Cassform

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Wild gyarados is powerful: it may be too hard to take down. That's why bibarel is the choice for rapidash, anyway.

I just finished giving the rus to a weavile that my sis gave me as a gift, and I killed a lv 54 bibarel with 1 night slash! Talk about stat boost!

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