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Dark' date=' that OHKOing can't be done. Every Commonly seen Physical Wall that isn't a Steel Type has potent enough Special Defense to survive a Draco Meteor.


The only exception would be if they had 0 Sp.Def EVs, while Salamence has max Sp.Atk EVs - something that isn't going to happen with this desired spread.


Aside from Crecelia, most of those walls DO have a Water type weakness, though (such as Hippowdon, Donphan, and Gliscor). You'd be better off with Hydro Pump. Without the Sp.A drop, you could try for a 2HKO (OHKO with a crit).


I advise a Naughty Nature, max ATK EVs, 112/80 Spe EVs, and 140/172 Sp.A EVs.


Max attack +1 (or two, if you're lucky), will net some real serious hurt with your Physical hits.


112 Spe EVs let's you outrun Aerodactyl and Jolteon with one Dance. If you aren't worried about them, 80 EVs will let you outrun Weavile with +1.


Whichever you choose for Speed, all the rest should go to your Sp.Atk. 299 here will net you a OHKO with Hydro Pump if your wall of choice isn't too Sp.Buffed.[hr']

Naughty Nature cuts down on Sal's Sp.Def, but that's preferable to Def. After all, your biggest threat here is the physical Ice Shard, which will overlook Sal's Speed. Ice Beam and HP Ice can hurt, but without priority, your Sal should be able to kill the user before they launch it.


You'll want a Yache Berry. Salamence needs to set up one D-Dance on something that isn't Weavile / Abamosnow / Mamoswine / Other Ice Sharders (although this is OK if he comes in on them and intimidates them).


If he can get one D-Dance, he can outrun Punching Weaviles and quickly end them, or he can take one Shard with his berry, and then finish the job.


With the higher investment, he can also outspeed the rare offensive Aero, or the HP Ice Jolteon, and take them out rapidly.


So, to summarize - Naughty Nature. Max ATK. 112 Spe (80 is Aero/Jolt aren't a concern). 140 Sp.Atk (172 if you go with the lower Speed investment).


Replace Draco Meteor with Hydro Pump.


And watch out for Crecelia. She will wall you no matter what.


I realized that my "set" was too easily walled and had an impossible EV spread, without sacrificing too many Speed EVs. In retrospect, it would be easier to split it into two Salamence sets, Specs and DDMence.


^None' date=' they're all fairly unspectacular in OU. Between them I'd say Craydily but there are so many other options that are better.


Didn't read what Dark wrote about your hack Zex but the biggest weakness would be you won't have a WonderTomb which means the Super Powered sweepers will reak havoc...


Anywho, you're using EV spreads on these guys. Aren't hack Pokes 252 across the board?


Also Dark, you're Salamence will be eaten alive by Skarmory among others. Go with the ordinary DD Mence it is better in most respects. If you want some surprise tactics, crack open a Specs Mence.



It's above, my reply.


And no, hacked tiers have restrictions on EV spreads. It's the standard 510 EV spread or some offer a 1020 EV spread.


^None' date=' they're all fairly unspectacular in OU. Between them I'd say Craydily but there are so many other options that are better.


Didn't read what Dark wrote about your hack Zex but the biggest weakness would be you won't have a WonderTomb which means the Super Powered sweepers will reak havoc...


Anywho, you're using EV spreads on these guys. Aren't hack Pokes 252 across the board?


Also Dark, you're Salamence will be eaten alive by Skarmory among others. Go with the ordinary DD Mence it is better in most respects. If you want some surprise tactics, crack open a Specs Mence.



No, I'm pretty sure hacked tier still uses the standard regulations on EVs.


Also, he did say he was well aware of his weakness for Skarmory and Bronzong, but apparently he has a plan for it. So I just gave him the optimal spread for outrunning Weavile, Aerodactyl, and Jolteon, while still having enough power to handle his Dancing.


Although, he was asking for the impossible with a Draco Meteor that could OHKO most Physical Walls. -_- Coming off Sal's Sp.Atk, it's not happening. That's why I suggested Hydro Pump instead.


No' date=' it isnt for an OU team: i think i covered all of those.

I mean for a team in the standard enviorment.[/b'] This is gonna be my first team outside OU and i want it to be extra good.

And why Cradily, i was leaning toward probo since it has thunder wave but i dunno...


Standard = OU.

If you're not making an OU team, than you're making a UU team.


Smart boy.

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No one except you likes the UU tier (other than my Hail Stall team), and Felix and I can provide good critism (sp?). GO.


[spoiler=Another Hacked Pokemon by Dark (3rd)]


I've made my own custom Regigigas set and my own custom Slaking set, so here is a third one.


Pokemon: Absol

Tier: RU (Rarely Used ::: Better than NU, worse than UU.)

Set Type: Double-Destruction

Nature: Lonely / Naughty

Item: Scope Lens / Life Orb / Choice Band

Ability: Super Luck

EV Spread: 252 ATK / 40 SpA / 216 Spe

Stats Produced: 394 ATK / 196 SpA / 240 Spe



~ Pursuit

~ Sucker Punch

~ Overheat

~ Night Slash / Psycho Cut / Stone Edge


Absol is a potent threat in standard play. Too bad, because this is the hacked tier.


This looks very similar to the "Mixed Sweeper" set listen on Smogon's Absol page. Because these two sets are very similar, you can tell that Absol does not have much punch in the hacked tier, and has to revert to standard sets, although it has an infinite amount of move and ability choices. This is probably the best you will ever get out of an Absol in hacked play. Don't try using this in UU, it is totally outclassed by Weavile. Don't try using this in OU, it is totally outclassed by Heracross. Don't dare use this in PWR or Uber play, it is completley outclassed. Luckily, Absol is a very strong threat in RU, and will pack a pretty good punch.


Pursuit and Sucker Punch are the obvious choices for a Pokemon with 394 ATK, not very promising Speed, and STAB on both. Pursuit becomes a 60 BP or 120 BP move, depending on whether they switch or not. Sucker Punch is a 120 BP move if the decide to attack you. If they can't switch in fear of Pursuit, and can't attack in fear of Sucker Punch, what can they do? Status or set-up.


The last two moves seem to cover that. Overheat is for those obnoxious Steel-types who think they can wall you, try and setup, but then fall to a pretty strong move. Since most Steels have low SpD anyways, SpA EVs are not as needed as you would think. If your opponent tries to setup and isn't a Steel-type, your final move should take care of them. Night Slash is a bit redundant, so Psycho Cut is usually the better choice. Stone Edge is also an option. Both have high crit ratios, which pairs well with Super Luck and Scope Lens.


With Scope Lens and Super Luck, each move has a 1/4 chance of landing a critical hit, and your final slot has a 1/3 chance of landing one. Doing twice as much damage really helps. That is why Super Luck was chosen over other possible abilities.


The nature and EV spread is obvious. Use a +ATK nature that does not hinder SpA and Speed. 252 ATK EVs for some punch, 40 SpA EVs to power up Overheat, and 216 Spe EVs to outrun all neutral max-speed Base 70's.


The choice of item is not that tough. Scope Lens is your best bet for landing critical hits, which works better than Life Orb. If you don't want to take a gamble, Life Orb does more damage at the cost of HP. Don't use Expert Belt; not many Pokemon are hit for super-effective damage. Choice Band is a lesser option, but will do more damage.


Play this as a trapper. They can't switch in fear of Pursuit. They can't attack in fear of Sucker Punch. They can't setup in fear of a critical hit. Steel's can't do anything in fear of Overheat.




Because this thing resides in RU play, many would-be counters are banned, which leaves few options.


Steelix is a pretty good counter, either with Flash Fire or a lot of SpD EVs. It can Swords Dance or Dragon Dance in Absol's face, Recover off any damage and retaliate with Close Combat, Superpower, or any Fighting move. In fact, most Fighting types with Intimidate can switch in relativley easily and destroy with STAB Fighting moves. Sucker Punch would be not-very-effective, so no worrys there. Be careful when switching in Fighting-types, because a critical-hit Psycho Cut will OHKO most.


For revenge killing, most need to watch out for Sucker Punch. If you can get a faster revenge killer not weak to Dark with a Fighting-type move, you have done enough to kill Absol.





In case you were wondering about the tiers in hacked play, here they are in order, from strongest to weakest:


Uber (Pokemon too strong for standard play.)

PWR (Power ::: better than OU, not good enough for Uber. Think Garchomp.)

OU (Overused.)

SU or BL (Somewhat Used / Border Line ::: better than UU, not good enough for OU.)

UU (Under Used.)

RU (Rarely Used ::: better than NU, not good enough for UU.)

NU (Never Used.)


There is also an UNDECIDED tier, where pending Pokemon are placed. Think Limbo tier.

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i meant the other thing, the somewhat used one. I thought "Standard" meant "Average", but it dosent matter.

Anyway tnx Felix i took out my level 74 lopunny... and released her.

Then i put in Tentacruel, however i never really was a big fan of it: i might put in Vaporeon or Ludicolo for their weather altering.

Also, my sister has a shuckle and she asked me to train it for her. Besides for the Power trick Shuckle, is it any good in a competitive battle?

I personally like it.

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Exactly what it sounds like, your team roles are stupid and unnecessary. Weather changer? Charm and Mirror Coat user? The only Pokes that could be considered “weather changers” are TTar, Hippowdon and Abomasnow. The only possible reason you would have a dedicated weather changer would be if you know your opponent is going to use a Hail, SS or SD team and you’re incredibly weak to them.

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... I quit.

No one here is open minded. It's all about how the BOOK tells you to play. Where is the fun in that? my pokemon are not losers or i wouldnt train them.

Making a UNIQUE poke is key, but it is apperent that you dont understand. Ban me if you like, im gone.

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Sorry... Being a d!ck; kinda unnecerssary. However you aren't playing proper competitive and that's all I'm trying to tell you.


Anywho for a person with very little experience, unique Pokemon are risky and often don't work. At the moment you're better or with tried and tested Pokemon.


I'm not going to ban you because I think if you become better at the game you'll be a good addition to are eventual WiFi team.


EDIT:"book"? Is it a metaphorical book? There is no book that tells you how to play competitively that I know of.

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... I quit.

No one here is open minded. It's all about how the BOOK tells you to play. Where is the fun in that? my pokemon are not losers or i wouldnt train them.

Making a UNIQUE poke is key' date=' but it is apperent that you dont understand. Ban me if you like, im gone.



Until you have experience, you are going to lose with custom Pokemon. Go with tried and tested builds, familiarise yourself with the Pokemon others use, THEN you can safely build your own EV spreads and movesets.

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oh, i honestly was expecting you to ban me!

Sorry for the quit message.

Anyway, i already have a pokebox full of competitors, but thats getting boring. I want uniques because it makes me feel better when i win(idea from my sister)

And there isn't really a Book. It was more of analogy: It stands for the internet. Just disregard it.

and q D, i have all that. I know all that, just read my post so i dont have 2 explain again...

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oh' date=' i honestly was expecting you to ban me!

Sorry for the quit message.

Anyway, i already have a pokebox full of competitors, but thats getting boring. I want uniques because it makes me feel better when i win(idea from my sister)

And there isn't really a Book. It was more of analogy: It stands for the internet. Just disregard it.[hr']

and q D, i have all that. I know all that, just read my post so i dont have 2 explain again...


Battle me on Shoddy now and show me. I'd like to see.

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Username: .:BleshB:. / Madsen

Nickname: Blesh, Mad, GP, Pups...

Pokémon Games You Own: Emerald, FireRed/LeafGreen, Platinum

Friend Code: I use an emulator =/

Trainer Name: Madsen

Favorite Pokémon: Flygon/Piplup and some others

I mainly want to join because you, Felix, are the pokemon game god.

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... I quit.

No one here is open minded. It's all about how the BOOK tells you to play. Where is the fun in that? my pokemon are not losers or i wouldnt train them.

Making a UNIQUE poke is key' date=' but it is apperent that you dont understand. Ban me if you like, im gone.



Lulz. You fail at competetive battling. It IS all about how the "book" says.


Felix, he means guides and whatnot.


Also, no one commented on my Absol. It's a potent threat in RU, but sucks everywhere else.

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