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[quote='Zexaeon' pid='2118985' dateline='1241467107']
=O Oh snap. Did you battle Golden, Felix?

I lost Dusk to a crit but Breloom decided to step in and sweep 6 Pokes.

Also check this out, insane prediction. [url]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wRcTRyZDg-w&feature=rec-HM-rn[/url] I seem to be doing pretty good at prediction at the moment too but not this sweet.
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Lulz. 'Nuff said.


[spoiler=Instead of spamming, I would rather put my actual post in a spoiler...]


Lulz. 'Nuff said. owait


Also, the person who starts the 100th page (2001th post), wins 1000 PokePoints. Understand, Felix?



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I made a Special wall one; Nightshade, Hypnosis, Roost, maybe Whirlwind I can't rememeber; 252Hp, 252SpD, 4 Spe/Def; Calm? Looks like it can take a beating, I've never used it. It probably won't be so efficient in Platinum though what with Hypnosis's lower accuracy. It's still in your favour but the game's stipid and doesn't understand percentages. Maybe some other Status, can it learn Toxic?

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Felix seems pretty interested in hack battles, so I made this set up myself. I'll see if I can submit it to the Pokemon hacking website.


Pokemon: Regigigas

Tier: Uber

Set Type: All-Out Attacker

Nature: Adamant

Item: Life Orb / Leftovers / Expert Belt

Ability: Pure Power / Huge Power

EV Spread: 252 HP / 252 ATK

Stats Produced: 424 HP / 460 (920) ATK



~ Extremespeed

~ Mach Punch / Drain Punch

~ Fire Fang / Fire Punch / Flare Blitz

~ Shadow Claw / Shadow Sneak


If Base Pure Power Clause is not in effect, this one Pokemon alone can rape an entire team with HP and PP left to spare. Extremespeed is for your basic STAB, and coming off of 920 ATK and 120 Base Power, it hurts. It also makes up for your 236 Speed, something easily outsped. Mach Punch also provides priority, but Drain Punch can be used to heal some health from Life Orb and residual damage. Fire Fang is used to break the usual WonderTomb, doing a minimum of 178, a guaranteed 2HKO. If you feel that WonderTomb is not a threat, Fire Punch can be used for more damage, and Flare Blitz can be used as a final threat before Gigas goes down. Shadow Claw and Shadow Sneak combined with the other 3 moves make for perfect coverage. Claw has a chance for a crit, but Sneak has more priority helping.


The choice of items boil down to exactly what you are trying to hit and accomplish. With Life Orb, this thing becomes a very decent wall breaker, always 2HKOing the bulkiest of WonderTomb. Leftovers can be used to heal residual damage and possibly Flare Blitz damage. Expert Belt is an alternative to Life Orb, since it does have a lot of super-effective hits, but doesn't lower your HP. Not listed on here, Choice Band is somewhat viable. It provides more kick than Life Orb, but you will often have to switch out or mispredict.


While this Regigigas is bulky, don't bring it out early-game to sweep. While it's attacks are powerful, it isn't as bulky as most people think. If someone were to survive your attack, you could be statused or even killed. This is especially important for the Choice Band one, as a misprediction could end your Gigas' life.




The best counter to this set is Regirock, although it is in OU play. It usually makes an appearence in Ubers, since so many Physical threats loom. Usually, Regirock has 364 HP and 548 DEF. The only attack that is super-effective against it is Drain Punch / Mach Punch. That does an average of 208 damage, a 2HKO. But if Regirock get's in on another attack, it can survive the Drain Punch and retaliate with a Close Combat, finishing off a Gigas. Regirock can also possibly use Counter to finish it off.


In terms of taking attacks and retaliating, there are no good counters except Regirock. In terms of revenge killing, Deoxys-S is your best bet. Shadow Sneak cannot KO, but Close Combat from a 317 ATK/Choice Band will.

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Look at it this way Dragoon; he's scared of you. Also, is Garchomp OU now? He was able to use it so I assume it's OU...


@Dark: What about a speedy Steel type with Flash Fire? (Switch in and blow him up with a Fire Move) Also for a Huge Power guy I think I'll use Slaking. I've seen the guy take a +6 STAB Seed Bomb:| If I can't get away with Huge Power Slaking as an OU I'd give it that ability that makes STAB *2.

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