Dark Posted April 16, 2009 Report Share Posted April 16, 2009 WTF' date=' 5K? That's insane. Anyway as a Pokemon related topic, I need a Ghost type Special orientated Pokemon. I was thinking Spiritomb or Mismagius. RotomH is an option but I've tried it and I don't like it.[/quote'] Wimp. xD 5K is not a lot for me, I mean, it's not like I need to come in first or anything. It's around 200 people, so I kind of want to come in the 75th percentile, meaning 50th place and above. Anyways, I don't understand why Rotom is faster than Rotom-W, H, C, F and the other letter. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Felix Posted April 17, 2009 Author Report Share Posted April 17, 2009 I could probably do the thing but I wouldn't enjoy it. Why don't you understand? It's because it's turned into houshold appliance. You try running that 5K race when your torso's a Freezer. Also what's a good counter for Suicune? (No Dark it's not) I can't help but get pwned by them. Well not pwned, I mean I can stall them out but it takes so damn long because it just Rests away damage and Status. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
El Beasto Perezoso Posted April 17, 2009 Report Share Posted April 17, 2009 Hey, I heard somewhere that the Secret Key's starts being released on the 20th. Anyone else here that too? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Zexaeon Posted April 17, 2009 Report Share Posted April 17, 2009 Something that can smack Suicune around physically without being weak to it is a good counter. ie; Gyarados, Kingdra, Miltank, Clefable, Snorlax. Gyarados and Kingdra can both boost their offensive stats, allowing them to pierce Suicune's defense. Miltank doesn't care about a damn thing Suicune can do to it, thanks to her Special Defense and can hit for strong hits using Curse. Clefable can abuse Cosmic Power, and is a very good counter for resters in general thanks to Wake-Up Slap (although, this is less viable in OU, as there aren't near as many resters). Snorlax can use its Thick Fat to shrug off Ice Beam, isn't bothered significantly by Surf, and can Curse up to take Suicune out. Not to mention the fact that it can also rest. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Felix Posted April 17, 2009 Author Report Share Posted April 17, 2009 I never had a problem with it in my old team, I just sent out Breloom and because it's suck a beast it could easily break through Suicune's massive Defences. On the team I have now, I just lack the brute force to break particular Pokemon. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
~LunaticTouhou~ Posted April 17, 2009 Report Share Posted April 17, 2009 Then again' date=' type combos like Bug/Steel or Ghost/Poison are gifts from god! :D[/quote'] Just like the amazing Lanturn with Water/Electric! Also I beat Platinum last morning. The Battle Zone is like normal, except for the Battle Frontier. Before you can go, you and your rival tag teams agianst Volkner and Flint. The Battle Castle lets you battle with 3 pokemon any level, and shrinks them down to level 50. When you battle a trainer and beat them, your pokemon doesn't fully heal. Instead youcan heal with castle points. You start off with 10 and you can get more by beating your opponet. You can heal by using 10 CP. You can also rank up for 100 CP and get to heal and get more things like heal PP and everything! Also you can rent items. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Queen-Dragoon Posted April 17, 2009 Report Share Posted April 17, 2009 @Felix, Psych Up, Taunt or PHazer. Simple :D Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Force_Flex Posted April 17, 2009 Report Share Posted April 17, 2009 Sorry i've been inactivate anyway' date=' i need a vespuquen around the lv it evolves...us drifloon isn't working for me... plz if anyone has 1 pm me and we'll talkmy platinum friend code is:0431- 4472-0311[/quote'][align=center] Plz help?Oh and how do you get the different forms of Rotom (I know it's a nooby question)[/align] Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Felix Posted April 17, 2009 Author Report Share Posted April 17, 2009 You can't get Rotom's other forms yet so chill. Drifloon is Valley Wind Works entrance on Friday. Check what you've set the date as on your game, that'll probably be the problem. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Force_Flex Posted April 17, 2009 Report Share Posted April 17, 2009 You can't get Rotom's other forms yet so chill. Drifloon is Valley Wind Works entrance on Friday. Check what you've set the date as on your game' date=' that'll probably be the problem.[/quote'] [align=center]I mean he isn't a good addition to my team... and I can't find Surf anywere... do you know were it is? I'm lost... My team right nowlv35: Staraptorlv36:gardevoirlv36:Torterra I just beat Crasher Wake and I don't have a clue as to were to go... p.s. I need a vespiquen really really bad... PM me and we'll talk more...[/align] Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Sammidysam Posted April 17, 2009 Report Share Posted April 17, 2009 My WiFi is working again, I am happy, I want to battle Dark, Dark doesn't own this club anymore :x , and I am making a secretive little Pokemon Fan Fic thing on Microsoft Word. Sam is back, folks. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dark Posted April 17, 2009 Report Share Posted April 17, 2009 I could probably do the thing but I wouldn't enjoy it. Why don't you understand? It's because it's turned into houshold appliance. You try running that 5K race when your torso's a Freezer. Also what's a good counter for Suicune? (No Dark it's not) I can't help but get pwned by them. Well not pwned' date=' I mean I can stall them out but it takes so damn long because it just Rests away damage and Status.[/quote'] Wow, thanks for mentioning my name when you said Suicune. You rock, now don'tcha? Most Suicune sets will have a combonation of Rest and/or Calm Mind, with many DEF and HP EVs. A Special Wall can take most of its hits, since Calm Mind won't affect it too much, and Physical Attackers are where Suicune is most weak, since it can only have 252 EVs with Bold, but it can boost SpD to +6 with CM. Tyranitar is an excellent counter with enough SpD EVs and Sandstorm (which it sets up itself). It can attack with most any attack and do enough damage to break a Sub, is unaffected by Calm Mind, and can try to wall most special attacks. Surf WILL do it's toll, but not enough to 2HKO with enough investment in SpD. Take note that most of it's sets run 2 attacks or less, most of them being Ice Beam and Surf. If you have a Special Wall who can resist or be immune (Vaporeon) to these two, you have gone a long way. Also take note that Suicune is paired with Blissey for Aroma support if it has Rest. Take note of that and try to take out Blissey so Suicune is stuck sleeping for 2 turns. Yeah, everything here is not from Smogon. It's all assumptions from me. I'm getting good at this. Something that can smack Suicune around physically without being weak to it is a good counter. ie; Gyarados' date=' Kingdra, Miltank, Clefable, Snorlax. Gyarados and Kingdra can both boost their offensive stats, allowing them to pierce Suicune's defense. Miltank doesn't care about a damn thing Suicune can do to it, thanks to her Special Defense and can hit for strong hits using Curse. Clefable can abuse Cosmic Power, and is a very good counter for resters in general thanks to Wake-Up Slap (although, this is less viable in OU, as there aren't near as many resters). Snorlax can use its Thick Fat to shrug off Ice Beam, isn't bothered significantly by Surf, and can Curse up to take Suicune out. Not to mention the fact that it can also rest.[/quote'] I wouldn't say that any of those are enough to scare it out of the battlefield, unless they have enough investment in SpD. The most viable one you mentioned would be Snorlax, due to its Curse and immense SpD. But Suicune can still hide behind a sub and wear it down. I'm pretty sure Suicune can learn Shock Wave or Thunderbolt, but I'm not sure. @Felix' date=' Psych Up, Taunt or PHazer. Simple :D[/quote'] No, yes and no. Psych Up is not used in OU, Taunt can get thru a Sub, forcing it to attack and Suicune is a PHazer, a faster PHazer than most, so it's Roar will go first. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Zexaeon Posted April 17, 2009 Report Share Posted April 17, 2009 Yeah, but Suicune hardly ever (if at all) uses Shockwave. =/ And my opinions came from experience, not Smogon xD And in that experience, Gyarados can use Suicune as an exteemely easy set-up to spam its D-Dances (which WILL force Suicune to run away into something that can deal with that). Gyarados can then catch the in-switcher - I use Ice fang, as many expect an Earthqauke coming and switching into a flyer. Waterfall also works, since you know Suicune is going to run, so the new in-switcher is not likely to resist water (unless it's a Salamence coming in to intimidate you, in which case Ice Fang does the job). Clefable is just for UU, mostly. And Miltank is one of the better supporters out there, what with her healing, Belling, Special Walling, and ability to physically sweep with a couple curses under her belt. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Felix Posted April 17, 2009 Author Report Share Posted April 17, 2009 I was under the impresion that Miltank was a Physical Wall/Cleric. I didn't know it could Special Wall too. Anyway, I made another line up. Hopefully this one is good enough. Hidden Power Electric is only used on offensive Suicune which doesn't last long enough for people to use it over the usual kinds. eg/ Gyradose can SPAM DD during Rest. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
NUByrdman Posted April 17, 2009 Report Share Posted April 17, 2009 Hey' date=' I heard somewhere that the Secret Key's starts being released on the 20th. Anyone else here that too?[/quote'] Yeah. I'm going on Wi-fi to get it. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dark Posted April 17, 2009 Report Share Posted April 17, 2009 Yeah' date=' but Suicune hardly ever (if at all) uses Shockwave. =/ And my opinions came from experience, not Smogon xD And in that experience, Gyarados can use Suicune as an exteemely easy set-up to spam its D-Dances (which WILL force Suicune to run away into something that can deal with that). Gyarados can then catch the in-switcher - I use Ice fang, as many expect an Earthqauke coming and switching into a flyer. Waterfall also works, since you know Suicune is going to run, so the new in-switcher is not likely to resist water (unless it's a Salamence coming in to intimidate you, in which case Ice Fang does the job). Clefable is just for UU, mostly. And Miltank is one of the better supporters out there, what with her healing, Belling, Special Walling, and ability to physically sweep with a couple curses under her belt.[/quote'] I said my input was NOT from Smogon. lern2read Anyways, Suicune with a few CMs under it's belt can probably wear down the opponent before it kills/forces Suicune to switch out. And anything else can wipe the opponent down. TTar is the best counter because it is 3HKOed by Surf and can break Suicune's Sub in one hit, even with 6 CMs. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Felix Posted April 17, 2009 Author Report Share Posted April 17, 2009 3HKO at 6+? Did I read that wrong? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dark Posted April 18, 2009 Report Share Posted April 18, 2009 3HKO at +1 with a lotta SpD EVs and Sandstorm support. A OHKO with +6. EDIT: I meant that TTar is a Physical attacker, so it bypasses CM boosts. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Felix Posted April 18, 2009 Author Report Share Posted April 18, 2009 Yeah, sorry. Still though, most Suicunes ar Physical Walls (in fact, pretty much all) so TTar isn't going to be hitting hard enough to scare him out or viably take him on and still be fit for combat on the next contender. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dark Posted April 18, 2009 Report Share Posted April 18, 2009 If TTar switched into Suicune on the first CM, Surf can only 3HKO. TTar can nullify Leftovers with sandstream and break a Substitute with Crunch. If Suicune decides to attack and not Sub, it eats 25+% from Crunch. If Suicune subs, it will be broken and sandstream will eat at it. ^_^ I know this from experience. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Felix Posted April 18, 2009 Author Report Share Posted April 18, 2009 I see but this would only apply to SubCM Cune. Plus Suicune normally has Lefties anyway, only the offensive varients don't and they're out classed anyway. There is too many variables to decide who would beat who. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dark Posted April 18, 2009 Report Share Posted April 18, 2009 Most sets are countered by TTar, even ResTalk would be counted by TTar, since it could just DDance until it feels the need to Crunch. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Sammidysam Posted April 18, 2009 Report Share Posted April 18, 2009 Does anybody ever want to battle me? I am working with Dark to battle but I am still wondering... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Sammidysam Posted April 18, 2009 Report Share Posted April 18, 2009 Does anybody ever want to battle me? I am working with Dark to battle but I am still wondering... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dark Posted April 18, 2009 Report Share Posted April 18, 2009 I meant that sandstream does damage before Leftovers. So if Suicune is knocked into the 6% zone, sandstream will kill it before it can Leftovers. EDIT: I think I worded that wrong. "...before it can Leftovers." I think it should be "...before it can use Leftovers." Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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