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Meh Poison STAB is bad coverage and can be by betterd by other moves Gengar learns. Scizor is a great Pokemon but its draw is a Tech STAB Bullet Punch, not its Bug STAB. All the Bug/Steel combo does is leave a gaping hole for 4* effective Fire moves.

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omg cuz i lik use 2 typ-ed pogeymanz nd i got al good at pogeymanz lik im awsome dood


No. Double-types come with their advantages and disadvantages:





4x Resistance

Better Type Coverage

Resistant to more Types




4x Weakness

Weaker to more Types

Some Double-Types are just dead weight (like Poison on Gengar, it could have used Electric better)

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Training for a 5K run soon. My coach recommends an hour of WiiFit, a mile JOG every day, 50 crunches and 10 push-ups. So far, I'm perfect 2 out of 2 days. ^_^


Also, it's making me lose weight. I dun wanna. My goal is actually to gain like 1 pound every week, but burn off 1 pound every week. =)

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