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-_- Dark, Technician boosts the power of techniques whose BASE POWER (which means original) is < 60. Even if STAB gets applied first, the move's BASE POWER is still 60, thus receiving the boost from Technician.


Post-STAB Power =/= Base Power.

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I don't think that a move that gets STAB and Tech would be bumped up to 135 BP. I'm pretty sure that it will STAY at 90 and Tech. won't be applied.


EDIT: Then again, it was MY question, so I'm pretty much oblidged to believe you. Damn. xD

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Let's go with Bullet Punch as it's the most commonly used Tech orientated move in Meta.


Bullt Punch BP=40






BP total=90


Tech works on BP not the the power it becomes from other increases.


Technician: When the Pokémon uses a move that has 60 base power or less' date=' damage is increased by 50%. STAB and effectiveness modifiers are not counted when deciding whether the ability activates. If a move has variable base power and would have 60 base power or less when used (Avalanche, Hidden Power, Natural Gift, Payback, Pursuit, and Revenge), it is also boosted by 50%.


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Let's go with Bullet Punch as it's the most commonly used Tech orientated move in Meta.


Bullt Punch BP=40






BP total=90


Tech works on BP not the the power it becomes from other increases.


Technician: When the Pokémon uses a move that has 60 base power or less' date=' damage is increased by 50%. STAB and effectiveness modifiers are not counted when deciding whether the ability activates. If a move has variable base power and would have 60 base power or less when used (Avalanche, Hidden Power, Natural Gift, Payback, Pursuit, and Revenge), it is also boosted by 50%.



Smogon Wrote Wrote?




Anyways, Bullet Punch is a bad example. It has 40 BP, after STAB it has 60. 60 is still applicable with Technician so it DOES get bumped up to 90.


Let's take Aerial Ace. It has 60 BP, and after STAB is has 90. 90 is not applicable with Technician.


Let's take Aerial Ace. It has 60 BP, and after Technician it has 90. After STAB it has 135.


My question is, will that Aerial Ace stay at 90 BP because it's not Technician-applicable or will it get used with Technician first and then STAB to become 135 BP?

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lol "wrote wrote", read it again Dark.


Base Power refers to its original value. If something is increased by STAB that doesn't become it's Base Power. Technician ignores other increases and only works with BP. You need to understand the definition of Base Power to understand this.

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Zex, I'll have your Entei for you by tomorrow; I had to see if one of my buddies had a good one. It's Adamant with 31 ATK and SPD, no EVs and level 50. Also Dark, your two guys are done, I'll be eating Dinner soon so I'll trade after.

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Pretty sure the Nature is Calm, Leftovers.




Calm Mind



Calm mind to Specially Wall stuff, and also boost the power of Aeroblast. Whirlwind away things that try to set-up on Lugia, and Roost off damage. Careful with Aeroblast, though, since nearly everything in Ubers has Pressure, and will minimize its usefulness.

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I keep one box for all my readily-available party Pokemon (expanding into a second/third box as the need arises).


Then I have a box where I stick all Pokemon whom are Natured/IVd appropriately and are ready to be raised. It is called "2 B Raise".


Lastly, I have a box where all Pokemon I intend to raise are kept, but breeding must be done first. I name this box "2 B Bred". One a Pokemon in this box has yielded a successful offspring, I move it into the "2 B Raise" box.


All my other boxes go to my random pokemon whom I just catch for the hell of it/ for completion, or don't have the desire to raise yet.

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Before you rate, note this is from 2 days worth of gameplay of Platinum... Here is my team:


Grotle Lv. 23 Attacks: Tackle, Bite, Absorb, Razor Leaf

Zubat Lv. 8 Attacks: Leech Life, Supersonic

Shellos Lv. 11 Attacks: Mud Slap, Mud Bomb, Harden, Water Pulse

Wurmple Lv. 9 Attacks: Tackle, String Shot, Poison Sting

Bidoof Lv. 5 Attacks: Tackle, Rock Smash, Growl

Buizel Lv. 11 Attacks: Water Sport (Removing ASAP), Quick Attack, Water Gun, Pursuit

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Before you rate' date=' note this is from 2 days worth of gameplay of Platinum... Here is my team:


Grotle Lv. 23 Attacks: Tackle, Bite, Absorb, Razor Leaf

Zubat Lv. 8 Attacks: Leech Life, Supersonic

Shellos Lv. 11 Attacks: Mud Slap, Mud Bomb, Harden, Water Pulse

Wurmple Lv. 9 Attacks: Tackle, String Shot, Poison Sting

Bidoof Lv. 5 Attacks: Tackle, Rock Smash, Growl

Buizel Lv. 11 Attacks: Water Sport (Removing ASAP), Quick Attack, Water Gun, Pursuit



The rest of your team seems weak compared to your Grotle....dont ya think?

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