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Hey everyone' date=' sorry I haven't posted in god knows how long! xD


Anyway, I'd like to invite you all to check out my new set, PokePower (Kanto) as it's a Pokemon-related thing. I'm hoping Dark, if you would, ask Felix to add it to the front page and 'sponser' it type of thing? Thanks, if you will. ^-^


Can I at least have a reply? D:

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You seem to have gotten a lot better Dark' date=' I mean you beat Zexaeon and he's pretty damn good.



I think I'm ready to battle you. I can turn that previous 5-0 you did to me into a... 2-0!


Hey everyone' date=' sorry I haven't posted in god knows how long! xD


Anyway, I'd like to invite you all to check out my new set, PokePower (Kanto) as it's a Pokemon-related thing. I'm hoping Dark, if you would, ask Felix to add it to the front page and 'sponser' it type of thing? Thanks, if you will. ^-^


Can I at least have a reply? D:


Go away, Snatch.


Hai Snatch, welcome back you idiotic moron from the deep pits of fiery hell.


Snatch Snitch, you finally posted! Good to have you back. Talk to Felix, he is the only one who can edit the first post.

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*immediately defensive* HE BEAT ME BY LUCK! LUCK I TELLS YA! RAWR!!!! *settles down* Nah. Really, he did a good job. Though I do like to think that my random team I was trying out might have had something to do with it.



Anyway, I'd love to rematch ya, Dark. And Felix, we haven't had a battle since that first one. =O You want?

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Alright, seeing as how I never get responses quickly enough, I'm just gonna do what I did before - I'll leave my DS on wifi. If anyone wnats to battle me, just come online and challenge me.


And of course, use some common sense - no ubers, no illegal pokemon, and sleep clause in effect. Oh, and no Quick Claw. =P

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I'm ready to take battle requests now. xD


I'm probably gonna challenge Zex. This computer sucks so after I beat Zex, I'll go on tomorrow.


Seeya tomorrow, and goodluck Zex. I've been saying Zex alot.


Also, Zex (again), can you post the result as I may not have access to a computer.


Our first battle, someone DCed (doubt it was me, I had 2 bars), and then it kept disconnecting everytime we challenged one another. Oh well, maybe tomorrow.

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EV's are so F***** annoying.

I started making my dream team like 2 weeks ago and still some PKMN are on lv 30!

Why you think I just rare candied my Buizel, Luxray, and Staraptor. Buizel was still at 27 by the E4, and Luxray and Staraptor were on 38 and 39 respectively. While my Torterra and Charizard were on their 60s and 50s respectively.

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I want a shamin

I got all the legendary pokemon on Diamond and Peril.{Even Shaymin}


If you have pokemon Diamond{I think Peril will work}and an AR' date=' I'll give you the Shaymin event code. Or if you have the Walk through walls AR code.[hr']

I'll battle someone with Lv. 60 or Higher.

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