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Well if you wanna be respected when you get WiFi you'd be better of with a Standard team, you could try Rain, Sun, Sand, Hail, Offensive, Defensive, Stall, insane shock or just plain bad. I'd be happy coming up with a teamm for you, just PM me a bunch of none Uber Pokemon that you like, I'm sure there's a list of Ubers on the front page, so anything else would be fine.

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My current team is a Dragonite, Metagross, Tyranitar, Swampert, Charizard, and Torterra. That's just the ones I've played through with because they're my favorite. If I payed attention to how godo something actually is instead of just my favorites, I could probably make a decent team. Maybe a Rain Dance team.

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Don't be daft Dark nothing is as bad as Shaymin.


Also I don't follow' date=' Splash OHKOs? What gives?



Lol, it was a type. If you use AR, Splash has a small chance of OHKOing the WHOLE opponents team.


I doubt these rumors about Splash OHKO-ing pokemon.




Pickachu can't do $h!t to an Onix (aka the anime makes things up the same way Yugioh did in 1st series).


Exactly. That's what I was referring to.


Mewtwo vs. GiratinO

(Both have perfect EVs and natures that help them.)

Place your bets!


lol' date=' which one would win?



Hmm... the big Dragon who is a cheap copy of the original Giratina or the "evolution" of Mew who shares the crown with Arceus and Deoxys-A?







Felix, I was watching some boring PBR stuff, is it true that in double battles, Dusknoir and an Explosion Pokemon is a good setup? Normally for a trickroom team, I have been watching too much Gigatitan and Uutitan (sp.)

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Well Explosion would probably kill both you opponent's Pokes and it wouldn't effect Dusk so yeah, I'd say that's pretty awesome. But a great 4 Pokemon kill would be do the first thing have the Ghost (Doesn't have to be Dusk) know Explosion and have the replacement for the Exploded one know Protect/Detect (better off only one of them being Ghosts), that would be an awesome combo. 4 Pokes dead for the price of 2, yeah I could live with that.


@Aximil: Rain dance Team sounds cool, I'll send you a list of movesets and stuff when I get round to it

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I've been talking about stuff dealing with Poke'balls, and I have some awesome and funny stories.


Once, in Saphire, I was going to use my Master Ball on Kyogre, but I accidently threw my Great Ball, and it worked. Kyogre was at full hp, no status effects, and it worked. I didn't believe it at first, but it was awesome.


Also, my friend accidently used his Master Ball on a Lv 2 Zigzagoon, and he reseted, but he didn't save in awhile so he had to backtrack to like, the previous gym.

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I've been talking about stuff dealing with Poke'balls' date=' and I have some awesome and funny stories.


Once, in Saphire, I was going to use my Master Ball on Kyogre, but I accidently threw my Great Ball, and it worked. Kyogre was at full hp, no status effects, and it worked. I didn't believe it at first, but it was awesome.


Also, my friend accidently used his Master Ball on a Lv 2 Zigzagoon, and he reseted, but he didn't save in awhile so he had to backtrack to like, the previous gym.



Power of save.

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That's spam. By the way' date=' what's a GS ball? It's been a while since I have heard about it. Wasn't it supposed to be some kind of pokeball back in Gold/Silver games?



In Crystal, in Japan, you could connect your GBC to a cell phone. It was kind of like a primitive Wi-Fi. But you couldn't trade. All it was used for was going to a Pokemon Center in Goldenrod (which had to be completely redesigned for international release) and getting the GS Ball. It was a key item that allowed you to go to the shrine in the forest just before Goldenrod and encounter Celebi.


New topic: What are new pokemon you'd want to see?

I want to see a donkey pokemon, a lion pokemon, a chicken pokemon, and a tree pokemon.

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