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This was the Psychic gym team I made for Shadius. I wouldn't normally write out stuff this way but you have to for n00bs otherwise they don't get it.



Item: Focus Sash

Nature: Naive

Evs: 4 Atk / 252 SpA / 252 Spe

Ivs: ?Hp/ 31Atk/?Def/31SpA/?SpD/31Spe

~ Stealth Rock

~ Psychic

~ Explosion

~ Fire Blast



Item: Lum Berry

Nature: Adamant

Evs: 112 HP / 252 Atk / 12 Def / 132 Spe

Ivs: 31 in everything except SpA

~ Agility

~ Meteor Mash

~ Earthquake

~ ThunderPunch



Item: Choice Scarf

Nature: Jolly

Evs: 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spe

Ivs: ?Hp/31Atk/?Def//?SpA/?SpD/31Spe

~ Hi Jump Kick

~ Psycho Cut

~ Ice Punch

~ ThunderPunch



Item: Leftovers

Nature: Calm

Evs: 252 Hp/ 4SpA/ 252 SpD

Ivs: All 31 except ATK

~ Calm Mind

~ Recover

~ Dragon Pulse

~ Reflect



Item: Life Orb

Nature: Adamant

Evs: 252 Hp/ 252 Atk / 4 Def

Ivs: All 31 except SpA

Ability: Technician

~ Bullet Punch

~ Brick Break

~ Swards Dance

~ Roost



Item: Leftovers

Nature: Impish

Evs: 252 HP/ 4 Atk/ 252 Def

Ivs: All 31 except SpA

Ability: Thick Fat

~ Heal Bell

~ Milk Drink

~ Earthquake

~ Body Slam


I also wrote a bunch of stuff so he can use it properly.

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Oh, for Shads? Looks alright to me. xD Let's just hope he knows how to use it.


*A Kingdra sits easily in a chair, smoking a cigar somehow, looking sternly at Felix while violin music plays*


Kingdra: Boy, you desire my power. I am told by my...associate...that you offer me and my men the services of a Venus Flytrap. But you won't fork her over till you get what you want from me. Don't test me, boy - you have, on this, this day, one week. Otherwise, you'll be sleeping with the Goldeen.


*A nearby Goldeen, dressed smartly in high heels (somehow) and a red suit, gives a flirty wink*


Kingdra: Not like that. Breloom, please escort our guest to the door.


*A Breloom nods, placing a bag over Felix's head as he guides him away from Dondra*

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I know' date=' I know, Felix. ^^ Just giving you a hard time.


@Ham: YOU WHAT? >=O You'd better not be planning on using a Victreebel!



No silly, I just need a Victreebel to frunk my Pokemon, and have that frunk through an IV chain of Dittos so I can get my max Speed IV's and Timid nature.

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Venasaur^^ Possibly Scarfed. He's going to be my Gym team lead. I have it already if you want me to clone it?




What other Pokemon has Leaf Storm and Sleep Powder on it?


EDIT: Zex got it right. I r making a Roserade for teh lulz. And I have 31 Speed IV's sitting there on a funking Jolly Ditto

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I now have a Male Victreebel with Leaf Storm and Sleep Powder, because my sister's awesome like that.


Now I need a Timid Ditto. Anyone has Timid Ditto with Sp Atk IV's?


Scratch that, I got 29 Sp Atk IV's on one of the parents. I just have to chain it succesfully >.>

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