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I'm in trouble - I'm out of rare candies. >_>;; I can't train pokes without those (I use them to learn level-up moves, or make someone strong enough to fight an EV pokemon).


Dx I can't bring my blueprints for my new teams to life without those candies. And my friend is the one who always ARs them for me, but he's in San Diego. Dx

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I'm in trouble - I'm out of rare candies. >_>;; I can't train pokes without those (I use them to learn level-up moves' date=' or make someone strong enough to fight an EV pokemon).


Dx I can't bring my blueprints for my new teams to life without those candies. And my friend is the one who always ARs them for me, but he's in San Diego. Dx



I have my ROM of Pearl on hand, I can quickly catch 6 Starlys and send over some Rare Candies.


I haven't gotten that far in the ROM so I only have my starter.

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Jackass name-changer. Seriously, I keep thinking of Yom Kippur when I see your name. Oh well, you are still Zex to me.


Also, Ham, I will check out your 4th battle and we need a rematch. I have a really good team, and I am testing out 4 new Pokemon I have never used before.


Also, don't any of you know the AR code that lets a Pokemon hold 999 of an item? No? Well, neither do I! Because it doesn't exsist.


Also, I received a hacked Celebi. It has 31 IVs in HP and DEF and SpA, 252 EVs in HP and DEF and a legal moveset. But, it's hacked. Should I still use it? It's HP Ghost, so it doesn't affect gameplay too much by hacking.

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=o Okay, I said you could still call me Zex, nut ya don't gotta go dissin' Youmu. She's awesome. She can cut things faster than the speed of sound, and her speed manipulates time.


Also, I'm going to take a shower. ;D Try not to miss me.

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@Tekken. =D BTW, good idea for a Water gym team.


I need advice - since I am not allowed to change my team for the gym leader thing, I need to decide which 6 I'm going to use right now. Out of:












Abomasnow, Weavile, Starmie are typical mainstays, so what about the other 3?

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