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At least they're nubs; that way you can work around it.


Not when Heatran gets frozen for 5 turns straight as Porygon2 6HKO's it.


It was a pretty easy match, even after half my team got swept. But then Snorlax got knocked down to 11 HP after 1 crit Focus Blast, if that hadn't critted, I would've been able to Rest up after living the second Blast, and stall out until it missed.


Then Heatran got Frozen and it couldn't fight back while Porygon2 did like no damage to it at all.


That was not skill, that was luck.

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I find it impressive how easily you picked it up. I mean you did have a great example like me to work from but still:roll:




I pick up most non-Halo 3 games very fast, they just bore me to death because my skill always plateaus because of circumstances. Like the lack of non-Wi-Fi Brawl players that are good, lack of funds for Yugioh, lack of funds for WoW, lack of interest for almost every other video game.


Oh, and I suck at Left 4 Dead, I suck so bad, that I gave up shooting and just melee things to death when I'm not hiding under the couch. Becuz non-computer shooters are hard to play.


Anyway, should I post the battle I had against random Serebii nub bison? He used a bit of OU and UU and we both made really bad plays. But, at least I know that Sucker Punch doesn't beat Vacuum Wave in priority. But he didn't know what hax meant.

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Yeah but he'll still battle you' date=' even if he won't record it him self. You could try someone like anniecarrots but she'd just pwn you into oblivion and laugh about it.


That'd be awesome, but don't you still owe me a battle? Along with Zex and I needing a rematch and Dark wanting a rematch.


Yeah, and anniecarrots, TheKillerNacho, etc. would probably 4-0 me at the least.

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I'll battle you today, Ham. Now that I'm out of the tournament, I don't have any other opponents to look forward to.


I've decided to hold a UU tournament. NFE will come after that. I welcome you and Dark to host your Roulette tourney at the same time, though, Felix. If we have two Tournies going on at the same time, there will be more battle going on, and people will be less bored less often.

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I'll battle you today' date=' Ham. Now that I'm out of the tournament, I don't have any other opponents to look forward to.


I've decided to hold a UU tournament. NFE will come after that. I welcome you and Dark to host your Roulette tourney at the same time, though, Felix. If we have two Tournies going on at the same time, there will be more battle going on, and people will be less bored less often.



I think our battle will be twice as epic as 5 minutes of n00bs playing around on Wi-Fi.


Anyway, I'll get on Wi-Fi and stuffs.

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At the moment I'm thinking Absol, Hitmontop, Umbreon and some other cool guys that I want to use, there's loads of them.


@Alucard: The only way close to that using your DS is if you download Battle Tower teams to your DS. However if you can do that then you have a fc. You could try http://shoddybattle.com, that's where the proffesionals hang and all it requires is a comp and internet connection.

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