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Lost: The Topic

Chaos Pudding

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I'm sorry to be digging up a semi-old topic but I just had to say that LOST IS THE SINGLE BEST SHOW EVER CREATED. JJ ABRAMS IS A GOD. phew glad I got that out of my system...

Just so you all know I have an autographed picture of Michael Emerson(Ben Linus). :P

My random coments on the show:

My favorite characters are Sun and Miles, but Juliette and Desmond are pretty cool too.

Jack is fail. Kate, as of the past couple episodes, is fail. Locke is the chosen one, so he is pretty awesome. Charlotte shouldn't have died. Daniel is fail. I want to know whats inside the temple and what the giant statue are for. What is Richard. I think that Jacob can inhabit the corpses of people(like christian shepard). Claire is.......weird. Lepidus is hilarious. Whidmore was an important "other" zomgggg! "Jughead", I was loling at America.


Rant over. :D

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