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The YCM Writers Guild

What Will Be Our Febuary Piece of Litterature to Write as a Club?  

1 member has voted

  1. 1. What Will Be Our Febuary Piece of Litterature to Write as a Club?

    • Fan Fic
    • Poem
    • Short Story
    • News Article
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    • Fan Fic Review
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    • Persuasive Essay
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We will be having Fan Fic Contests' date=' Poetry Contests, Short Story Contests, and just plan old card contests. If enough people join we can have sig contests as well.


Once a month we will all get together as a club and write a piece of literature, whether it be a Fan Fic or a Short Story were gonna right something :)[/quote']


Sounds awesome!:D


Member Name: Opalmoon/Raven

Favorite Books: Too many to list, but if you need some examples: The Metamorphosis (F. Kafka), The Physicians (F. Dürrenmatt), Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hide (R. L. Stevenson) and any poetry collection by Paul Verlaine.

Do you prefer: Fan Fic, Short Stories, Poems, Novels, Newspapers, Comics, or Other (mixtures, if I don't feel like sticking with one style or genre in particular:)).

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[align=center]As the black moon rises

As the red moon falls

Hopes meet demises

Lives start to fall


As the red moon rises

As the black moon falls

Lives are refurnished

Hopes are recalled


As the final moon rises

As the final sun falls

Fates start to arise

hopes always fall


As darknesss overcomes

As light fades away

The final twilight shones

The final shadow is here to stay



is this good, i am not good at poetry at all

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Member Name: HarbingerEvil

Favorite Book*: right now it is Brisingr

Do you prefer: Fan Fic, Short Stories, Poems, Novels (all of them)


Name of Club: The Great Legion

What's the Club About?: Helping YCM, holding contests

What Brought You To This Club For Affiliation?: A want for more affiliates


[spoiler=Examples of Work]




Why do we die

In the maze of

Amazing life


We never seem to find the end

As the hedges shift

And move with time


And we hope that the soles of our feet

May be picked up and taken

To their goal at the end

Of the maze forsaken


Some long run

Where the competitors know

What is found

Deep in the soul


The hidden things you mask away

Give and give each day

Feeding, growing, in the heart

As it tears you, and tears apart


They see that thing inside you now

And tell you, "let it out"

Surrender sweet to bliss unfeeling

To find it your soul they're stealing




Do you see me?

Have you looked?

Am I forsaken?

Have you took?

My life away

This metal cage

My book filled prison

Where I stay

I cannot leave here

I will not stay

But yet I have to



Do you see me?

Have you looked?

Am I forsaken?

Have you took?

What do you see?

You look away

Is it just you

Don’t want to see?

That’s okay

Won’t matter much

You’ve made your decision

Much, Much

Earlier for what you see

You see what you want to see

The pigeonholes that rule our lives

The textbook term, stereotypes



[spoiler=Why do we run?]

Why do we run?

The fastest of pastimes

The masquerade of lifetimes


The quiet and loud explosion of feet

On the floor

On the ground

And round and down


The toes all that reach out and down for what it is

That they sometimes see in it


The lunging of muscle

Ranting on strength

Some sort of endurance of will


But still it has

Not reason

Nor rhyme

But still we give it time

The fastest of pastimes

A masquerading lifetime






As you can see, I can rhyme, or use blank verse.

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That was a decent poem dEMONIA' date=' good stanza work and good rhyming but you may won't to try to put more elements of poetry in your work. I can PM you some poetry elements if you'd like...8/10 though!



i would be thankful ^^


i really didn't put much work into that piece. it was pretty short....

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I have a story I use to right. I think I might get back into it, but I'm not sure.


[align=center][spoiler=The Adventures of Blood Devil (working title)][spoiler=Chapter 1 - The Creation]


It is the year 3057, and the Galactic Government has finally reached intergalactic peace between the Milky Way, and it’s neighboring galaxy, the Starry Way... or so they thought. Far, far away from the Galactic Government building in the Starry Way, evil was stirring. At a laboratory on an asteroid in an asteroid belt, there lived but one scientist.

In the laboratory, the scientist was hunched over a computer, typing furiously. In the center of the room, a black containment pod with a clear dome revealed an ominous green fluid of unknown origin, and there were several metallic pipes connecting it to the walls. Inside the tank, thousands of nanites constantly brought parts together in the fluid, apparently to some mechanical creation. Suddenly, the scientist walked into what little light was in the dark, dank factory to look at his creation. He was a short man, wearing very large glasses, almost falling off his round, bald head. He then pulled out a small shiny disk from his dirty, brown lab coat, walked back to the computer, and put it in a slot on the computer.

As the disk was input, the computer started lighting up, and electric shocks started going into the mechanical being. The professor walked back to his creation, and said, “At last, after 7 long years stuck on this cursed asteroid, my creation is almost complete. Once this disk is done integrating it’s data into my creation, it will become completely evil. This era of peace and justice disgusts me so, and it will soon be over. Come my Blood Devil, come forth and do my bidding!” the professor conjured a wide smile on his old, wrinkled face, then he let out a loud, horrid laugh, “Mwahahahahaha!”

The computer silently spoke in a low voice, “Blood Devil, 50% evil. T-minus 30 minutes until Evil-integration completed. Oh, and Professor Sheldon, don’t forget to take your medicine.”

“Ugh, fine. 30 minutes until the most powerful robot in the universe is completed, and my computer is more worried about me taking my medicine, and don’t call me that! I specifically told you to call me Professor Mecha-Evil! Why my mother insisted on calling me Sheldon, I will never know.” Mecha-Evil walked over to a small cabinet, opened a door, and pulled out some small tablets.

As he took them to his mouth, there was a large tremor, and Proffessor Mecha-Evil fell to the ground as he saw an asteroid tear off part of his lab. He gasped as Blood Devil’s containment pod broke away from its base and flew out into space. Professor Mecha-Evil got up and staggered to an escape pod and got in. He activated it and then flew into space. He turned the steering to auto, and he set the coordinates to the planet Yurch. “No! After all that work, it was all for nothing! But, I guess things like that tend to happen when you set up a lab in an asteroid belt. I will have to go to my underground base on Yurch. Although,” he briefly paused with a confounded look on his face, “I wonder why nothing hit me before? Why someone as brilliant as I put it in such a stupid location, I will never know. But, I must not give up hope, perhaps my creation will survive somehow.”

He looked out the window, frantically searching for his precious creation. He then saw the pod fly into Yurch’s atmosphere, as it sped toward the planet. “Ah! This is perfect! I built that pod to be indestructible. Unfortunately, it won’t land anywhere near my lab. I will have to look for it later once I get set up. I just hope no one finds it before I do.”

The pod continued to speed towards Yurch, increasing in speed every second, until finally crashing into the planet, a large crater left at the point of impact. The searing hot pod sizzled in the crater, burning trees in its wake. Suddenly, two ominous blue and red lights pierced the darkness of the night sky, and a metallic fist punched through the glass casing. Climbing out of the pod, green fluid dripping down the sides, the nanites lying still at the bottom of the pod, the Blood Devil emerged into a new world.

Meanwhile, Professor Mecha-Evil’s escape pod landed on Yurch. He stepped out, and an angry look appeared on his face. “Gaaah, this isn’t my lab! I’m miles away from it! Ugh, just another minor setback.” He pulled out of his pocket a small metallic cube, which he then pushed a large red button that was on it. He threw the box, which grew and expanded to become a levitating chair. “Well, I better get going. I’ve got a long journey ahead of me.” Just as the words came out of his mouth, his stomach rumbled ferociously. “I need a snack.” He snapped his finger, and a metallic hand holding a hot dog came out of the chair. Professor Mecha-Evil then ate the hot dog, and said, “Let’s get going.”



[spoiler=Chapter 2 - Yurch, the War-Torn Planet]As Blood Devil stepped out of the pod, he saw the new world that lay before him. He switched his vision to long-range mode to scope out his surroundings. Then, for the first time, he spoke. “Hmmm... it seems that the planet is mostly a desolate wasteland, by the destruction in the surrounding area, I would presume this place might have gone through several wars or battles of some sort, and recent ones, too, probably a few months ago by the look of this destruction. Hmmm... my databases say that the only planet in either system that has had any recent wars is Yurch. Ah, yes, this must be Yurch. I better find some place to settle down in for the time being.”

Just as he was about to take a step forward, he realized something. “Wait a minute, who am I? I’ve spent so much time figuring out where I am, I haven’t put any consideration into who I am. Let’s see,” he turned around and picked up a large shard of glass hoping to see a reflection. “Nothing, this glass is too transparent, maybe the metal will provide me with a sufficient mirror.” He picked up the pod, brushed off some rubble on the backside, and looked into the shiny metal surface. “Hmmm... well by judging by my looks, and the fact that I have databases and long-range sight, I appear to be a robot. Although, I wonder, what kind of robot am I anyways? I look like some sort of devil crossed with a skeleton. Hmmm... I wonder who my creator is. I also don’t know who I am, or how I came to be here.”

Meanwhile, miles away from Blood Devil’s location, Professor Mecha-Evil finally arrived at the entrance to his base, a hidden door at the base of Yurch’s largest mountain range, the Gharnot Mountains. He pressed a button on his levitation chair that he rode there on, and a number pad, optical scanner, fingerprint analyzer, and voice command receiver came out of the stone wall. Professor Mecha-Evil took off his glasses, and got ready to scan his eye. He then put in the number code, 93791823, scanned his left ring finger, and then said, “Evil rules.” The large door finally opened, and Professor Mecha-Evil got on a large elevator, taking him several miles underground. Once Professor Mecha-Evil arrived at his lab, he got off his chair and walked over to some large computer. “Well, I’m finally here.” He started typing on his computer. “Ugh, I should’ve set the coordinates better. I ended up 3 miles away from my lab. Now, let’s see where Blood Devil is. It’s a good thing I decided to put in a tracking device. Hmmm... my computer says he is approximately 10 miles off the outskirts of Yobouri. Ah, I love that city. It’s the one that destroyed the most in the multiple world wars this place has had. Well, I better get going if I want to get to my robot. I better radio him with my computer. Now, how did I get this thing to work. I haven’t used it in such a long time. Aaargh! This might take awhile.”

Meanwhile, Blood Devil still sat in the crater, contemplating why he could be there. “Well, I don’t think I will get anywhere just sitting here. I guess I should go to the nearest town. Better get on my scope.” Blood Devil sat up, then set his vision to long-range, and then looked to the north. “Wait, is that a town over there? Hmmm... it seems so. I guess I better go there. But wait,” he paused, “how am I supposed to get there. I better check my databases to see my features. Ah, a wing pack.” He stepped away from the pod, and opened the wing pack on his back. At first nothing happened, then two large bat wings popped out. “Woah, that’s cool. I better get a running start.” Blood Devil turned to the north, then ran at full speed, which was a blinding 80 mph. “Woah,” he said in a startled tone, “I can run fast. This is good.” Unfortunately, as he was talking to himself, he wasn’t paying attention to his surroundings, which he found out the hard way as he slammed into a giant tree.

With the tree being partially dead, along with Blood Devil’s speed, the tree was uprooted as it slid 5 feet away. “Ugh,” he said as he sat on the ground dazed, “I really need to watch where I’m going from now on.” He was about to get up and start running again, but suddenly, he heard a beeping in his head, then a voice.

“Hello? Hello? Is this thing on? Blood Devil, can you hear me? Blood Devil?”

“Who are you, and how do you know me? Wait, are you my creator?”

“Yes, I am your creator, Blood Devil. My name is Professor Sheldon, er, I mean Professor Mecha-Evil. This was supposed to be in your programming. I guess it happened when the asteroid hit my lab.”

“So, uh, Professor Mecha-Evil, who am I, and why have you created me?”



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Yeah Roxas you have full accepting power, I also gave Davok the same level of power. You can accept anyone but you can't accept affiliations, that's my job!


Also, The votes are in! And majority rule says: WE'RE DOING AN AWESOME SHORT STORY!


Ideas for the short story may be submitted and discussed until Febuary 7th, then we should start cracking!




I Have written a new poem entitled My Pocket Watch


[align=center]My Pocket Watch

My pocket watch fell right there on the table

With it's own silent clatter

Pondering a way to win this internal battle

Although, I think I wouldn't rather.


I wish I knew someone who knew

Just what made that clatter

Started out silent but then grew and grew

Please don't hesitate to bring up your next batter


I couldn't recognize

Just what a sound it was

Guess I shouldn't analyze

Just who or why or because.


It shimmers slightly

In it's gold

Shines so brightly

But now it's old


So the pocket watch lies silent and dim

Left me there for years and years just thinking

Why have you stopped your lovely hymn?

Why have you stopped your ticking? [/align]

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I'm honored to have you join Raven! Accepted!



It's time to start voting for February's piece of literature that the club will do together!



Honored? ME?O_o

Well now the honor is gone anyway because I'm not moderating this section anymore. I'm still going to post a lot here, though, because it's my favourite General section.:)


Yay for short story! I'm going to make up my mind about that.


Roxas, what kind of fanfic are you planning/working on?

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