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Aerial Cannon Archetype

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Aerial Cannon monsters use zones to determine what they destroy. They are all Level 1 Machine-type monsters.


[spoiler=Volume 0 (See the Rise of the Phoenix booster pack thread)]

RPNX-036 [spoiler=Nexus Needle]


Level 1

FIRE Attribute


You cannot Normal Summon "Nexus Needle" if you control this card. When this card is Summoned, and once per turn, you can destroy all cards in this card's column. Once per turn, you can move all cards on the field 1 card zone closer to this card's column if possible.



RPNX-037 [spoiler=Floating Miniturret]


Level 1

EARTH Attribute


You cannot Normal Summon 1 "Floating Miniturret" if you control this card.When this card is Summoned, and once per turn, you can destroy all cards in a card zone that is in a diagonal direction from this card's zone. Once per turn, you can select 1 card on the field and move it to an applicable card zone.


RPNX-038 [spoiler=Aerial Frog Cannon]


Level 1

WATER Attribute


You cannot Normal Summon 1 "Flying Tank" if you control this card. When this card is Summoned, and once per turn, you can destroy all cards in a card zone adjacent to this card's (including cards diagonally adjacent to this card's card zone) Once per turn, you can move this card to an adjacent applicable card zone.


RPNX-039 [spoiler=Flying Tank]


Level 1

WIND Attribute


You cannot Normal Summon 1 "Flying Tank" if you control this card. When this card is Summoned, and once per turn, you can select 1 direction (up, down, left, right, up-right, down-right, up-left, down-left) and destroy all cards in that direction from this card. Once per turn, you can select 1 monster your opponent controls and place it in your opponent's Spell and Trap Card Zone as a Continuous Spell, or select 1 Spell or Trap card your opponent controls and place it in your opponent's Monster Card Zone (0 ATK/0 DEF/WIND/Machine/Level 1).



RPNX-040 [spoiler=Aerial Cannon Zone]

Field Spell

All Level 2 or lower Machine-type monsters you control gain 1000 ATK. Once per turn, you and your opponent can move all cards you each control and place them in another applicable card zone. You move your cards before your opponent does.




[spoiler=Volume 1]

Aerial Cannon Deployer


Level 1

EARTH Attribute


This card's Attribute is also treated as WIND. If this card is not a WIND monster, send all cards in both player's hands and in both player's Spell and Trap Card Zones to the Graveyard. You can pay 1000 Life Points to add 1 Level 2 or lower Machine-Type monster from your Deck to your hand.


Aerial Cannon Launcher


Level 3

EARTH Attribute


During your Standby Phase, increase the DEF of all Defense Postion Level 2 or lower Machine-Type monsters by 1000. Once per turn, you can Special Summon 1 Level 2 or lower Machine-Type monster from your hand and add 1 Quick-Play Spell Card from your Deck to your hand.


Aerial Cannon Pressure Minelauncher


Level 1

FIRE Attribute


Once per turn, you can Tribute 1 monster you can control to destroy all cards that are in a card zone adjacent to that monster's (including cards diagonally adjacent to that monster's card zone). You can switch the ATK and DEF of all monsters on the field and change their Battle Positions until the End Phase of this turn. If you activate this effect, reduce the DEF of all monsters on the field to 0 during the End Phase.




Somewhat broken. Thoughts?

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I was going to make something like this, But with lasers and burn effects


As for the effects, They seem a bit random.

Like Flying Tank for example. Why the heck would you chose Left or Right? you would be destroying your own cards..


Plus, You need some lifepoints guard/swarming cards to go with these :O

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I was going to make something like this' date=' But with lasers and burn effects


As for the effects, They seem a bit random.

Like Flying Tank for example. Why the heck would you chose Left or Right? you would be destroying your own cards..


Plus, You need some lifepoints guard/swarming cards to go with these :O



Aerial Cannon Zone. Aerial Cannon Launcher. Machine Duplication.

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I was going to make something like this' date=' But with lasers and burn effects


As for the effects, They seem a bit random.

Like Flying Tank for example. Why the heck would you chose Left or Right? you would be destroying your own cards..


Plus, You need some lifepoints guard/swarming cards to go with these :O



Aerial Cannon Zone. Aerial Cannon Launcher. Machine Duplication.

But thare ATK's are only like 1000ish.

and Machine Duplication wont really work on series 0....


Other then that, I like how you can abuse these with Level Limit and Gravity Bind :3

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I was going to make something like this' date=' But with lasers and burn effects


As for the effects, They seem a bit random.

Like Flying Tank for example. Why the heck would you chose Left or Right? you would be destroying your own cards..


Plus, You need some lifepoints guard/swarming cards to go with these :O



Aerial Cannon Zone. Aerial Cannon Launcher. Machine Duplication.

But thare ATK's are only like 1000ish.


They're incredibly destructive to your opponent. 1000 ATK should balance it out.


and Machine Duplication wont really work on series 0....




Other then that, I like how you can abuse these with Level Limit and Gravity Bind :3

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