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[DISC] Naturals

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As with most of the other Duel Terminal archetypes all but one monster sucks.

That monster be this


1 EARTH Tuner + 1 or more EARTH Non-Tuner monsters

While this card is face-up on the field' date=' you can send 2 cards from the top of your Deck to the Graveyard to negate the activation of 1 Spell Card and destroy it. This effect can be used during either player's turn.


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Natural Beast is amazingly well-designed. See, Konami, this is how you're supposed to make Synchro Monsters: give them at least somewhat restrictive Summon Conditions but with good effects to compensate. We need more of those and fewer ridiculously powerful generic Synchro Monsters like Stardust Dragon and Goyou Guardian.

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Natural Beast is amazingly well-designed. See' date=' Konami, this is how you're supposed to make Synchro Monsters: give them at least somewhat restrictive Summon Conditions but with good effects to compensate. We need more of those and fewer ridiculously powerful generic Synchro Monsters like Stardust Dragon and Goyou Guardian.




Like seriously, They have like lvl6(I guess its the easiest) Synchros, with effects like: "Draw 12 cards when Synchro Summoned", Yet, Have around 3000-ish ATK :/

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Natural Cosmos Beat comes out at exactly the wrong time and is vastly outclassed by other Synchro Summoning methods.


By the way' date=' while we're on the topic of bad DT archetypes, let me just say one thing: "having 200 DEF" is not a theme, Konami.

[/quote']I think Konami considers something a theme if it looks or plays similarly, not if it actually works together.

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