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The Video Game's are fine. Just the cartoon sucks. Every Movie/Episode the same thing happens


They find a new pokemon, then find it's owner, they become friends, team rocket tries to steal the new pokemon and Pikachu, then they win, the end


Its the same sheet every episode.

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The video games are great. The show, not so much.


To be honest, I liked the show when I was a kid. Even still, the first few episodes weren't that bad.

Back when Jessie and James weren't as retarded as they are now. James had a better Voice actor.


The first movie was okay (It had Mew.) although by that time, I was pretty much over the show. I mainly saw the movie for the free cards.

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Technically now' date=' Ash is 14-15. Misty should be the same age. May should be like 11-12 and Dawn 10. Why are they so developed? Because Asians are perverts.



But time doesn't affect these shows.


BTW, what's those zigzagy lines on Ashes cheeks for?


And if ash is 15, Brock would be like, 40 sumthin.

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xD Brock is like in his mid-twenties.


zig zaggy lines are wear he got abused as a child with a fork by his pill-addicted mother.


Why would a twenty year old be walking around some random region-which nobody ever heard of before-with a 15 year old cross dresser and a 10 year old man-woman?

I feel sorry for Brock.

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